Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Which affects oil prices or demand?

Remember when gas prices were at like $5.30 a gallon? well what exactly was it causing them to be that high at that point? and what affects gas prices more...the supply...or the demand?Which affects oil prices or demand?
the demand for oil is what causes most of the shift in prices. while its true that the supply and limited and is becoming more and more depleted, OPEC controls most of the world's oil. however, it wouldn't make sense for gas prices to come down now as there is surely less oil in the world than there was several months to a year ago.

this said, OPEC can artificially limit the amount of the oil they choose to provide, which can decrease supply and also lead to higher prices. however, the only reason they can afford to do that is because the demand for oil (especially in the highly industrialized united states where everyone is dependent on their car) is so highWhich affects oil prices or demand?
it naturally should be the trying to balance out the supply with the constant demand but like it seems to change so easily like it seems to be fixed at a price someone or a group of people set
The balance between the two

its so hard to get.. i mean its OIL! the world's running out of it!

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