Wednesday, August 18, 2010

About oil prices?

I think there are definitely many other alternative energy to replace using oil and natural gas, yet this year 2008, will not finishing developing and start replacing our current methods, so when do you think the next appropriate and usable energy will come out and replace it?

Please share your knowledge and experience.About oil prices?
This problem is complex because of it's many sides. There are many current ';usable'; alternatives, but they are either more expensive than gasoline, or would cost too much to implement full-scale (like hydrogen cells)- But, there is plenty of oil available to us, but because of the environmentalists worried about barren patches of ice, we can't get to it. Also, because of stringent regulations and the costs involved, even if we had more oil, we couldn't process it because a new refinery hasn't been built since, I believe the 1980's.

The first course of action is to get everyone on board with one course of action, and get past the bickering and the nonsense. (Which may never happen.)About oil prices?
Clean Nuclear energy. It's called a MUAN drive. It could be manufactured tommorrow if it were not for enviromental fools such as Al Gore.
I have to admit I am ignorant on this subject but if I may add my opinion onto this topic. I was watching tv last night it was a sport discussion programme and this goal keeper was passionate about the enironment and trying to make the FA Cup final greener by getting the fans to trvel to the games by bus instead of going by car. I even had his car converted to run on Bio Ethanol fuel. I do think we rely far too heavily on gas and oil and I agree with that something should to done to wean us off our addiction to fossil fuel which is killing this planet and the big oil companies like Shell, BP, Texaco and others should all be working together and come up with a more environmentally friendly way to fill our cars and heat our homes but at the end of the day it always comes down to money doesn't it and as long as gas and oil makes these big oil companies huge profits 24/7 why should they care? Why should they bother. Don't shell have a bio fuel I can't remember what the name of the fuel is called but I have seen it.
MUAN is a good idea but i also think that ethenol made from switchgrass is a good alternative for our cars.

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