Monday, August 23, 2010

Why didn't Hillary Tell You that High Oil Prices Hasn't Helped Exxon?

Here's a graph of oil prices vs Exxon over the past year.

Oh, I added Apple Computer and Sunoco just for the fun of it.;s=OIL鈥?/a>

Wow. It looks like Sunoco is down almost 50%.Why didn't Hillary Tell You that High Oil Prices Hasn't Helped Exxon?
That's a graph of stock values. Care to show their profits, which have hit record highs?Why didn't Hillary Tell You that High Oil Prices Hasn't Helped Exxon?
What are you talking about Exxon is just being lazy and not going after the full profits they are too occupied with buyback of stock and limiting there exposure. And let me tell you something about you Ethanol lovers. you are going to be the cause of more stravation than any tyrant this world has ever seen. because of you Ethanol overs 2 billion people will starve because of the food shortages created by mandates on alternative energy in regards to Ethanol. I hope you are happy!
Because it doesn't fit her agenda of having all of America dependent on government programs.

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