Monday, August 23, 2010

Oil prices drop as we get nearer to election.?

Is it any surprise that the price of oil is dropping as the oil rich republican administration and their good buddy oil rich countries want to keep the republicans in office?Oil prices drop as we get nearer to election.?
You can't forget the possibility that it may be to help auto manufacturing get out of a slump.

The pres just met with the big3 and prices fell soon after.Oil prices drop as we get nearer to election.?
I read where Ford atleast will be redesigning a whole new line of cars aimed at better fuel economy.

Also they will be standardizing chasis design much like they did with the Fox Body and the MN12 only on a smaller wheel base. Report Abuse

Yeah. It's all just politics!
It has nothing to do with the election it has every thing to do with oil price speculators taking the money they made bidding up the price and moving on. Demand drops in the Fall and the price also. Elections are in the Fall cause its after Harvest season.
Is it any surprise to you that oil and gasoline prices drop after the end of summer vacation travel? They ALWAYS DO. Simple supply and demand. The Republican administration does not and CANNOT control the price of oil to any significant extent. About all they can do is release some oil from the strategic reserves, which was done at the height of oil prices, not before elections.
No it spiked again...Yesterday $2.70 today $2.75...very upsetting...!! That theory is out the window....Bush kinda ruined it for the Republicans didn't he?

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