lol its funny, you mention libertarian communism and ppl look at you like youve got 2 heads
yeah, cos capitalism is so much better huhWhat are you feelings about the Oil companies making obscene profits while we pay record prices for fuel?
Well what are commercial companies there for then..To make profits for their shareholders . To increase profits and dividends for their shareholders each year....You as the consumer and end user are at the bottom of the pile. Why should the oil companies consider you at all. You have no option but to pay the price asked. They are under no obl;igation to subsidise you at all. That is what business and capital investments are all about. If you want to benefit from all this, then become a shareholder in an oil company. Either that or sell the car ...
Don't forget that oil companies don't set the prices at the pump...investors at the New York Mecantile Exchange do. Those traders set the price at which crude oil (which is a commodity) is purchased based off assumptions (ie - oil shortages, war, hurricanes, etc.) that could cause disruptions in supply. Also, the refineries that produce the gasoline that can be used by consumers add fees to the fuel based off operation costs. Sure, big oil makes a profit and loves it when oil prices go up. But they also don't want them to go up so much as to keep people from driving. So as an American (I assume you are) you have every right to be peeved about gas prices but I can assure you that until lots of people start reducing their consumption of gas in this country you won't see prices coming down much in the future.
So to answer your question...personally, I don't really care. It's called capitalism. If you don't like it, move to China or Cuba. No one likes paying more for gas than they have to but get realistic here...the world changes so plan for it. I don't make that much money but I still manage to budget (and save money) for fluctuations in the cost of living. That's life...
Thre was actually a study designed by Hubert Peak along with many other in the 1950's. In it he said that as the source of Oil becomes harder to find, the more it would need to cost to make it economically viable to keep on searching. The only way was to increase the cost of a barrel of oil. Obviously these companies are not in the business of charity but in the business of making money, yes it is wrong that we should pay so much while they make so much. Fact is the money they make doesn't come from what we spend. We are only a fraction of a profit. Their money comes from the sale of a barrel of oil on the world stock market which they don't control. Rest of the money we spend comes from the government.
Oh by the way I don't work for oil company incase I sound kinda bias......however what I would like to add this may be a good time to invest some stocks in these companies who seem to be performing while most everyone else is struggling
The reason why we pay so much in this country is becasue of the high taxation - its not the Oil copmpanies that set the price that we pay. That taxation goes in the NHS; into schooling; into the roads; into local authorities; libraries; colleges; universitries; but to name a few all over this country.
I was in the Caribbean at Xmas where they pay the equivalent of under 2p per litre but the infrastucture was so poor - the roads were unmaintained, they were people starving on the streets, the schools were falling down and you could not get medical treatment without paying a fortune for it. I'd rather pay more on my petrol and have the services that we have than have cheap petrol with no services at all.
At the end of the day, the Government makes more money from a litre of fuel than the Oil Company or the Garage selling it does.
ON average the price of a litre of fuel is devided like this:
30p to the Oil Company
8p to the Garage selling it
The rest goes on fuel duty to the Government.
I'm more incensed with the Government for the prices than I am with the Oil Company.
Isn't it disgusting? Meanwhile, small businesses are closing, record numbers of people are unemployed. I know people who have had to leave their jobs because it was costing them more money to drive there than they were making. Pretty sad... it used to cost me around 10% of my income for fuel. Now it has practically doubled. I live in Michigan so 7 months out of the year I pay for heating fuel, as well. That has also increased to almost double from last year. As it stands now, we barely scrape by and NO WAY can we even think about savings or investments, there just isn't enough left after surviving.
Spot on there Boris. It's scandalous and the point will come when it's just too expensive for the haulage firms to survive which will simply cripple the country. Who will deliver the goods? People in the ';eco'; cars such as the toyota prius? Yeah right!
As much as I agree with you on the greed of the oil companies, we must also blame His Royal Brownness and his sidekick Alistair Darling (and previous politicians) for making us brits pay some of the highest fuel tax in the world.
And another group to blame is the idiot greenies who encourage high fuel prices because they feel guilty about using fuel. Well I have an idea for the greenies. Don't use fuel. And stop trying to make everybody elses lives harder simply because you don't want to drive/fly/wahatever.
Oh my blood is starting to boil too!!!
By the way vote Boris!! Ken's a ^%26amp;';^%26amp;*';^*%26amp;^*(';*(!!!!
Pardon me, but I was under the impression that the purpose of a business is to make as much money as possible.
Don't you usually ride to work on a bicycle, Boris?
It pales into insignificance compared to the taxes taken by the Government ! You have to remember that it is beginning to cost more and more to extract the stuff from the ground. They have to invest to explore !
Robbery ? Abuse of their position ? Monopoly ?
And by the way.... no..... never... that Boris glamour position seeking make-belief-eccentric for Mayor.
That's all he is........ a make belief eccentric and albino too, LOL.
it is just pure greed on their part if it was cheaper i think people would put more in the tank i know i would ,being out of work i can't afford to put a lot of petrol in my car.
I blame the Saudis, Iranians and all OPEC countries They are filthy rich from nothing but the worlds oil supply. Without it all those diaper head countries would be s-h-i-t!!!!
Scandalous. But, I'm invested with many energy stocks. So, in essence, I get a kickback, legally.
I'll give you a clue, two words, first word sounds like clucking and you can guess the 2nd bit.
Mind you all those companies must be rubbing their greedy little hands together.
It's high time we found another energy source like Hydrogen.
';supply and demand'; or a state run ';planned economy'; - u decide?
so long as they don't start taxing hay and oats!!
(Rudolf And the rest will be really angry!!)
it is obscene.
Yup.... and its only gonna continue in the same way, they will make sure of that.
That's the problem...we PAY record prices. Stop paying!!!
I don't drive so not really bothered.
pisses me off. Freaking 25%. that IS OBSENE!
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