Wednesday, August 18, 2010

With the price of gas dropping, should the Gov't also bailout oil companies?

Regular people in the oil industry are going to suffer with the drop of gas prices. It's Christmas, so should Government bail out Big Oil too? Certainly we don't want children on mainstreet and single mothers to suffer and starve. Times are tough. Especially on main street.

I suppose likewise, would a massive federal tax on gas to get it back up to 4 Dollars a Gallon to help working families get back on their feet? Certainly with the price of gas falling, something should be done to shore up people that are suffering? And certainly we can all agree that the average taxpayer should somehow pay for it. We wouldn't want people, which includes women and children, to suffer, expecially during the holidays. If we don't so something, and do it fast, we're going to have breadlines like in the 30s.With the price of gas dropping, should the Gov't also bailout oil companies?
Elmer, pull your head out of your @$$. The Government should govern, I can't understand why they give billions to banks either but they should try save the remnants of the American industrial economic base. The fact that the Auto Exec's are vampires doesn't change the fact that millions of jobs and billions in tax revenue by the Auto Industry that goes directly into Washington's tax coffers make saving the Auto Industry a priority that obviously should be done. The fact that the Auto industry is pretty much the last bastion of American manufacturing is a sad and incidental foot note in history. The reality is that the Obama administration must attempt to reverse the damage to our Nation that 30 years of corporate deregulation and outright Fascism have wrought on the United States.

The war our Nation is waging is economic in origin, as is all war. The lives lost deserve at least a semblance of respect. The almost unavoidable economic depression Bush will be leaving Obama will be lessened if the Auto Industry survives. The LOANS the Big 3 are asking for are not gifts like what the Wall Street Bankers got, the tax dollars will be returned to the American people in due time if Congress saves GM, Ford and Chrysler. I am pretty sure Citi Bank and the rest will not repay a dime.

The possibility of breadlines like in the 30's is more real than you may want to admit. Gas prices are dropping because Bush is using our country's strategic oil reserve to stave off that depression. When that is depleted the people standing in today's bread lines will make the 30's seem tame. The seriousness of our pending economic collapse cannot be overstated. Joking about such a disaster is tasteless and you are better than that.With the price of gas dropping, should the Gov't also bailout oil companies?
No, and we should tax oil and oil derivatives very steeply. Windfall profits tax, retail gas tax, I don't care. I'm for any tax on oil production or consumption. The temporarily low prices due to the global economic collapse are NOT good for us in the long-run.
Their profits are the same percentage as the were when oil was $140 a barrel at an average of 8%, so they are still making profits but not nearly as much as before. Oil companies refine gas from crude and few actually pump their own so they are more gasoline companies than oil companies.
Bailout is only going to help the Rich! It's a joke that they are helping anyone who really needs it. Just read how much Bailout jerks are taking for themselves. Wish they would help the regular folks. Wonder why we (most Americans have no idea what is going on)?
Yeah and then Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, et al, should propose that the government nationalize the oil companies,

so we can own them,

and then everything's better,

because there's no evil profits anymore.

Er, no, regular people aren't going to suffer because of the drop in gas prices. The only people who will suffer are the people who own oil company stock.
gas prices will go back up and oil companies will keep making profit. Besides they have millions in their pockets, they will not starve.
I'm sure that whatever the oil companies ask for they will get, one way or another.
They're still highly profitable. Just not benefitting from windfall prices anymore.
im an old roughneck and the drilling has slowed down big time. they might as well open the breadlines now

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