The oil boys ran a full page ad in major newspapers today explaining how it is not their fault about gas prices.
It is,of course, caused by the price of crude.
However, a large portion of the crude refined here is pumped out of wellls in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, ect
So what if OPEC charges $125 bb for oil? The domestic oil is pumped out of OUR public lands!
Chavez charges his own people 12 cents per gallon. Why do we allow Exxon and friends to charge us OPEC prices for our own oil and give them subsidies on top of this?Oil Prices?
Because we are still very very small producers of oil compared to the OPEC countries (if I can find the figures I'll post them here), even if you put all of the non-national oil companies together (Exxon, Chevron, Shell, BP, ConocoPhilips). So we still import a lot more than we produce. Also, because of these high costs of crude oil, production costs have sky-rocketed, so it's also not cheap to get this stuff out of the ground, even out of the Gulf of Mexico.
As a business person, why would anyone in their right mind sell something for $100 where there is plenty of demand for it elswhere at $120.
As far as Chavez is concerned he is an evil dictator, to put it mildly. The national oil company of Veneuzela (PDVSA) is being run into the ground, and is a far cry from a well run oil company. Oil analysts say that it would take the 20 years to get back to the level of production they were at before Chavez took office, so you really cannot compare an artificially regulated market to what we have in the US. They may only pay 12 cents at the pump, but the poverty stricken nation of Venezuela more than makes up for the rest in other ways.Oil Prices?
Because we are not a communist country the way Venezuela is. Because 80% of the known oil reserves are located in the Middle East. Becuase it is incredibly cheap to pump oil out of the ground in the Middle East, not so much in the Gulf of Mexico, because the people of China, India and all around the world are willing to pay $125 a barrel for oil. Because the dumbocrats will not allow drilling in ANWR or offshore. Because dumbocrats will not allow more refineries to be built in our country. Because dumbocrats will not allow more nuclear power plants to built in this country to be able to use less oil. Actually, most people complaining about the high price of oil want us to use less of it. These high prices will cuase people to conserve more and othere to come up with other alternatives. Someting you would understand if you had a basic understanding of economics. Somthing you and most Communists appear not to have. I suggest a re-education camp for you dannyboy.
see my answers and comments to these Q's ---%26gt;;鈥?/a>;鈥?/a>;鈥?/a>
Too many natural resources that are the common property of all American Citizens are being sold for peanuts to a few who turn around and charge us based on their opportunity costs(as if they bought it at the higher prices from other suppliers (like OPEC) outside the US. We are being ripped off twice. When the natural resource is sold to private companues and when we buy it back turned into the products we need! Not to mention the gov't which taxes us on top of everything and the those monies get wasted or not spent for good purposes!
Some people know how to milk supply and demand scarcity situations to perfection! Business School graduates like the ones that ran Enron are everywhere and it is a systemic problem-- the greed and the lack of ethics --as the 5 CEO's from the major oilco's showed us all when they recently testified before Congress. They are rolling in dough and don't give a poop!
Because the needs of a few outweigh the needs of the many
Instead of writing on Yahoo Answers, write to your congressman!
talking about it....would u please answer my Q?鈥?/a>
it has something got with urs....pleeeease
Something tells me few powerful people are responsible for the supply hitches and hence causing the price hike across the world...
I honestly wish there was something I could do to change something, aside from riding a bike to work every day.
I totally agree. Its just the politics with big business and an open economy.
Walk to work and be grateful for what you have
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