Monday, August 23, 2010

Hugs! Why did Billy Clinton veto drilling in ANWR in 1996, & force America to pay these high oil prices today?

That is not the reason for the oil prices of today. Oil Companies are being subsidized, just like farmers, to not produce oil. There is more than enough oil sitting in the ground without drilling in a protected area. Look into this, a little education goes a long way toward being informed enough to ask relevant questions.Hugs! Why did Billy Clinton veto drilling in ANWR in 1996, %26amp; force America to pay these high oil prices today?
Great questions, now you will see all the Hypocrites!!! The same people who blame Bush and not congress for our high gas prices are the same Hypocrites who won't blame the Dems and Clinton on the Anwar issue, see all they no and have learned is to blame Bush for everything but are so blinded by truth and logic they can't see that Congress is as much to blame or more for the high gas prices, and if we drill our own oil, we are less dependent on the middle east, then we will be able to put more money in Alternative energy resources!!!Hugs! Why did Billy Clinton veto drilling in ANWR in 1996, %26amp; force America to pay these high oil prices today?
Because he didn't want any animals to be harmed from the drilling and he wanted it to be left a la natural. Once again, he stopped something that would have been good for America, but like the previous answer, we really should learn to do with less oil.
There was and still is, no problem with the supply side of oil production. There is plenty of oil being produced, this is an artificially high price for oil. Production costs have not been rising, the price is high due to wildly out of bounds futures speculation.
Its not about drilling in ANWR. It's about a gluttonous appetite and a real reluctance to wean ourselves from that habit. If you want to decrease the price, decrease the DEMAND. It's not only a function of supply!
It wouldn't matter; Bush's falling dollar, Wall Street crack-up boom speculation and refinery bottlenecks would still lead to higher gasoline prices.* President Bush also chose to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the brim during his two terms.
who knows.... why did he have ';it'; with monica lewinski? his affair choices should show you he can't make good choices in anything else.
The same reason JImma Carter was opposed to it in the late 70's. It is about control. Libs want to tell you what to eat, where to live, what to wear, what type of vehicle you drive, how much you will pay for fuel, etc, etc-----. They could have all the drilling and refinery problems over if we had addressed the issues when Carter(the first) was president. Gas was $2.10 a gal when the libs. took over our government in 2006. What have Pelosi and Reid done to us';?

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