Saturday, August 21, 2010

Who will indirectly/directly profit from an increase or decrease in oil/energy prices?

Mainly big business profits from changes in the price of oil. governments benefit because oil/energy is taxed so heavily. Owners of gas stations don't make a lot of money from the sales.Who will indirectly/directly profit from an increase or decrease in oil/energy prices?
Me!!! or anyone else with oil investments.


Oil companies

Oil company suppliers, drillers, equipment manufacturers

Alternative energy companies

Coal and Natural gas companies



Chemical/Plastic or other companies that use petroleum as a raw material

Transportation companies (except for rail and ships)

If prices are high enough it will hit consumer good companies at the low end

etc.Who will indirectly/directly profit from an increase or decrease in oil/energy prices?
Beside the oil companies, those commodity traders, futures and options traders, oil traders AND THE GOVERNMENT of the country.

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