Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jimmy Carter & Bill Clinton are to blame for the high oil prices. Why can't liberals comprehend this?

oil prices are high because of simple supply %26amp; demand...blaming any president is silly. Oil is a NON-RENEWABLE is running out.... that means the supply is less than the demand.... so it's more expensive. When gas prices went up after Katrina it was because the ';supply'; was interrupted (ok, and some gouging). And just like no one person is to blame for one person is going to be able to make the situation any better..... oil is simply running out and we are using too much of it. Pressure your senators to encourage green-technology development and stop driving the da#n hummers and SUVs. We are to blame for our greedy consumption.Jimmy Carter %26amp; Bill Clinton are to blame for the high oil prices. Why can't liberals comprehend this?
What about the oil companies and their record profits during all of this? Report Abuse
Jimmy Carter %26amp; Bill Clinton are to blame for the high oil prices. Why can't liberals comprehend this?
Is this a joke or something? I just can't tell anymore. I see all these things and say ';They can't be serious'; but I come to find they are. Either way it's funny.
Civilian Humvee and gargantuan truck and SUV drivers, those that drive with a lead foot, and those that chose vehicles that require premium gasoline have a lot to do with high oil prices.
They are capable of determining the real truth instead of being caught up in the denial of an obvious lie. To them lies are incomprehensible, where as a conservitive lives by them, take you for example!
You're out of your mind. So what about Reagan, Bush I and Bush II? By your line of thinking they would be at fault as well.

High oil prices (as even Bush II has said) are primarily due to supply and demand. Pull your head out of your rump.
No, 5 governents, Democrat and Republican are responsible for high gas prices. Nixon on up should have been able to read the signs of what was to come. Even back then, we had alternative fuel sources, but were unwilling or unable to break away from the influence of the oil industry. Regan could have easily mandated that we move to other sources of fuel, just like Carter or Clinton or Bush, Sr. but NO ONE did that. If we had, gas wouldn't be in the condition that it is in now.

We should have learned our lesson about our dependency on foreign energy back in the 70's, but no one cared to do anything about it. No one. It's not just liberals, it's the American government, Rupublicans and Democrats, that have failed us and put us in this situation that we are in now. Had we started the diversification of our fuel sources back then, we would almost be in the same place that Brazil is now. How can you tell me that Brazil can be energy sufficient but the USA can't do it? Hogwash.

European cars get 50 to 80 miles to the gallon. They have done things to combat high gas prices such as mandating higher fuel efficiency and the addition of additives to their gas like ethanol. Diesel is also another viable solution as you can get more milage out of a disel car, and therefore use less fuel. There is also a shorter process to refine diesel as compared to gas, which makes it cheaper to manufacture and process.

Did you also know that diesel engines can last 500K miles or more? How often would you need to buy a car then?

Problem is, car manufacturers and big business tell us we need to buy gas cars, not diesel. And they control lobbies in Congress that delay our diversification for the sake of profits and oil companies. That is why we have high gas prices, not because of those two Democrats.
because it isn't rooted in fact, and you can't tell me that everything that Bush has done wrong during his tenure as president is someone else's fault. I don't think he would like that, either. He makes his own choices, he reaps his own consequences. Now, why don't you find something intelligent and worthwhile to say?
There are a LOT of things that liberals refuse to comprehend..

By %26amp; large, liberals are happy to sacrifice the welfare of the

USA for their own personal wishes...
Blame it onsBever some one have to get the blame
OK-I am supposed to believe some right-wing crap at this point ?


Sure they comprehend it.Do you comprehend you are stupid.liberals and common sense eyes roll) are right-wing zombies?
HUH???? I am a conservative, and I do not get what you are has nothing to do with a president of any country....where the hell do you get this kind of BS information? If anyone or thing is to blame...try china, who is growing so fast, they are buying more and more is called supply and demand
Because anything that goes against what they have been programed to believe is automatically deleted from their brains.

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