Monday, July 26, 2010

Will all of you please pray the price of Gas goes down and more oil is found?

Thank You and God Bless YouWill all of you please pray the price of Gas goes down and more oil is found?
Yes,I can pray for it but I don't expect God to give me cheaper gas that would have to come from the oil companies,whose profits are now in the vulgar numbers.I believe these companies are in the unAmerican category and should get hefty fines and jail time.They are bringing a nation to its knees and that is just wrong.Will all of you please pray the price of Gas goes down and more oil is found?
No, because it will probably be found in pristine wilderness and drilled, and possibly ruin all sorts of wildlife with oil spills or just unsightly refineries.

I would rather bug my elected officials to figure out how to make french fry grease run cars and how to get it on the market.

Oil is a fossil fuel. It is a limited resource. Too much blood is spilled for such a fleeting thing. It's time we realized that and looked into other options.
some politicians want the price of oil to stay up, they believe if it does, people will use less of it and it will create less global warming.

That is why when they do find oil (ANWAR, Gulf of mexico) it is illegal to drill for it. Which influences the supply which makes the price go up.
No, I certainly won't. How long do you think we can keep spewing pollutants into the atmosphere before it's no longer possible to breathe? Or before it's 318 degrees outside - in January? The global warming thing that everyone's talking about is real, bubba, no matter how much you and your idiot right-wing conservative friends don't want it to be. You need to face the...Inconvenient Truth.
More oil doesn't need to be found.....there IS plenty

What i hope is that the greedy bastards who are all profiting outta their wazoos will choke and die on their uber-expensive


Wow, if i sound a little bitter it is because i am extremely fed up with Bull-shite.

I'm going to eventually give my POS Dodge away and get a horse.
it might be better to pray for strength to use cleaner resources, like my legs to get to work.

i am being one sided, though.

my husband lost his job because of the price of diesel.

i believe in praying for wisdom for our leaders.
And what will you believe in when the price of gasoline hits $4.00/gal?

But don't let me discourage you; just keep praying.
Havent you heard Palm of Christ?

Christians should solve own oil problem before solving the world's problem. World can supply 4, 5 times more than demands, Christians have a half.
As long as Bush is in office he will never listen to God or the people.
No wonder so many Republicans are Christians... I KNEW there was a connection!
The Goddess told me to tell you,';NO! Stop raping the Earth. Buy an electric car.';
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