Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gas and oil prices is still question is?

Since gas and oil is still on the rise which I don't think its helping us at all.

So the question is...what or is there another alternative way of using heat and traveling without using the gas and oil.

Or can we really live without gas and oil?

=)Gas and oil prices is still question is?
Solar and wind come first to my mind. Both of these are clean and renewable sources of energy.

We could have a massive back to work program to install solar panels and windmill farms. This would cut nearly 40% of our US consumption. We could do this for FAR cheaper than this war in Iraq is costing us. And, by decentralizing Electricity, we don't loose some 50% of the power on transmission lines. Further, the back to work program would stimulate the economy.... something very much needed.

For auto transportation, we could use Electric cars. And/or, we could use more mass transit options. All of Europe uses mass transist much more extensively than the USA. The benefits of subways, trains, light rail, and busses outweigh the costs of individual auto ownership and the fuels used to support such wasteful consumption.Gas and oil prices is still question is?
At this time there is no viable alternate fuel for travel that is not a mixture of both gas and battery. There are plans to develop hydrogen and electric driven vehicles but they are very expensive and not really for sale today.

As far as heat, yes. You can use electricity to heat and electricity can be produced by coal and/or nuclear reactors.


There are af ew electic cars but they are $$$$$. PEople can start walking or takeing he busy if they live near there work , it would help with the worlds weight issue too.
Nuclear energy is an answer most ignore.
definely nuclear energy , its more cost efficient and easier on the envirement.
Warm your house with a wood burning stove, better than heat IMO. Travel by motorcycle and small car and start investing all this war money to get their oil and put it into wind, solar, and hydrogen energy. Chernobyl answered my nuclear question.
Nuclear power for electricity. It could bring down the price to the point that everyone would heat their homes with it instead of oil. This would leave that much more oil for travel.
v cld use
i was thinking if we boycott gas the prices will go down but no one would listen and everyone lives too far from there job to walk this world as gone mad with the gas prices i mean if they sold it for les they would get more people and more money.
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