鈥?/a>What do you think about this article on oil production and gasoline prices?
George Will is very smart.
Charles Manson reputedly has an IQ of 121.
clearly Will thinks we should extract and burn up all the oil we can, as soon as we can.
remember, we already did that.
prior to 1970, the US exported oil, dirt cheap.
that's how we got where we are today.
alternatively, we could save it until the price of oil is $500 a barrel or more.
%26lt;%26lt;I'm getting to the point to where I think that anyone of those lobbying, rich, self-centered and egotistical speculators who predict a rise in oil prices is in co-hoots with the terrorists.%26gt;%26gt;
i see. ';Either you're with us or you're a terrorist.';
%26lt;%26lt;I say we cut their food supplies off.%26gt;%26gt;
i'm not at all sure that they depend on American rice and corn.
%26lt;%26lt;We can live without oil . . . and we have great Agricultural abilities.%26gt;%26gt;
well, maybe if you live on a farm. that doesn't use tractors. or fertilizer. otherwise, you ain't gonna see much on the shelves of your local super market.What do you think about this article on oil production and gasoline prices?
This article raises in my mind the question, at what point in time do we propose to do anything toward reducing consumption?
The implicit answer is we want to leave that discussion to another day.
I was appalled to receive a letter from Redford about ANWR, how important it was ecologically not to exploit this just yet. But not because of that reason. No, he mentioned in passing that the original objective of keeping it off limits to drilling was to force Oil companies to exploit all the rest of the world's oil first, and to be sure, this looked to him to be the right strategy.
Just for your info, the oil companies dearly want to reduce those strategic stored reserves of oil.
Just having them around tends to hold prices down. As they get down, we can expect rapid price escalation if anything interrupts supply.
I'm getting to the point to where I think that anyone of those lobbying, rich, self-centered and egotistical speculators who predict a rise in oil prices is in co-hoots with the terrorists. I really do. They stand to make money on a rise in cost. What other logical and reasonable explanation can there be. For anyone to deny this, you must be investing in commodities like oil and gas as well. The world is on the verge of WW III and I believe OPEC has a master plan to destroy the American economy with oil prices. I say we cut their food supplies off. You can't grow rice and corn in the desert. Let's see how well they fair with no food. We can live without oil . . . and we have great Agricultural abilities.
I think it is an overly wordy, hard to follow article that says basically nothing. It just rambles without ever making a clear point as far as I can tell.
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