Investigating Bill only threatened to bring 1 person down. Investigating Bush would bring down the whole shithouse.If investigating Bill and Monica was necessary. Why not an investigation into bush and oil prices?
yes i wud support the investigation,put some sex into the picture,will be hyped then!If investigating Bill and Monica was necessary. Why not an investigation into bush and oil prices?
Oil is a very dull subject matter when compared to sex and infidelity. Don't you think so?
what a completely insane question. They have nothing to do with one another! President can impact oil prices only to a small degree and that's very small. Clinton was investigated for lieing among other things with Monica. These two things have NOTHING in common your comparison is apples and oranges
Repuglicans do not investigate repuglicans, they are not into fair play at all. In short to hell with Americans as long as they get their dollars.
duda, above me has his or her head in the proverbial sand...but I wont go into that now...The reason fort this is numerous and ugly. It's the same reason Bush won't be impeached or charged with war crimes he is being backed by the oil companies them selves. Money speaks louder than anything , and NOT just in this country. It certainly screams louder than all the people that have had their Civil Liberties taken from them, or all the people who lost loved ones in 9/11, or hurricane Katrina, or in this fallacy of a ';war';. It screams louder than the torture that has gone on in the ';prison'; we control, it speaks louder than all the people who suffer here in this country everyday with out proper health care.
They are investigating, dont you watch the news.
because that would be a threat to the profit that the investigators are making.
I'll type slowly so you can comprehend this basic economic fact:
Oil is an internationally traded commodity whose price is based on supply and demand. Bush can no more effect the price of oil than he can control the weather.
How about:
GWB and oil prices
GWB and weapons of mass destruction
GWB and the CIA leak
GWB and his FEMA leader
GWB and no bid gov contracts
GWB for just being stupid
Dick C. for getting drunk and shooting someone (with out a hunting license)
And to all the people who are gonna respond to your question by say that GWB has no effect on the oil prices...
I say ';keep smiling, everybody loves a moron!';
I wondered why Bush had a dirty face, the oil monger
SO A WAR IN AN OIL RICH COUNTRY WOULDN'T AFFECT OIL PRICES?... are all the people that have said a president has no affect on the price of oil so naive about the laws of supply and demand that they can't figure out that a war in Iran would almost certainly have a negative effect on the worldwide supply of oil? Odds are they would blow up their oil wells to keep us from getting them and that would have a TREMENDOUS effect on the world's supply... and it would take years to fix most of them...
In fact that's the number one reason that the prices are high now... just the threats of an Iran attack a few months ago scared speculators so much that they drove the prices up... check out the speculative market...increased demand is only a very small part of the increased prices... demand has been increasing for years and prices have been slowly increasing to keep up... they don't jump $1 in six months due to demand?
I thought Republicans knew what they were talking about in business?
But I think a better investigation would be into Abramoff/Bush links... and they may be about to look into it...
There have already been tons of investigations over the years by these committees with oil prices and none of them have found anything fishy yet. That doesn't mean nothing is going on, but yes it's been investigated. The investigations have concluded that the prices are based on supply and demand.
There will be no investigation into the oil pricing situation at least not until the Democrats take office again, and quite frankly I don't think it will ever happen.
The reason being that there is just to much money involved and payoff are greater than investigation.I don't mean to say anyone is taking payoffs, I AM SAYING THAT THE BIG MONEY MEN DON'T CARE BECAUSE THEY ARE MAKING MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. JUST ONE EXAMPLE THE EXXON EXECUTIVE MAKING 400 MILLION DOLLARS AND IT BEING REPORTED IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS CRISIS.No one really cares that can do anything about it
Why fixate on oil prices? This administration has involved itself with such outrageous policies, actions, blatant lying, bold faced abuse of the name of Security, that we do not have any one reason to attack..we have a mulititude of them. The recourse is called elections..anyone who would vote for ANY Republican, at this point, has got to be either very wealthy, or very stupid...I can't come up with any other reasons. Inflation is about about to go balistic because of this administration's policy of deficit....8.1 TRILLION dollars in hock to whom??? to our dollar. Our dollar is going to go throught the floor. I have lived with double digit inflation before, under a REPUBLICAN named Nixon...Then Reagan...the same old stuff...all the money for the wealthy on the back of the middle class and low income people! The elections happen every them out in droves.
totally different situation.however i do see your candor.clinton was investigated because the GOP thought they could impeach bush on the other hand is a rich oil baron and there is nothing wrong with being rich nor having oil derricks pumping oil for you 24/7.
What do President Bush and oil prices have to do with each other?
President Bush has nothing to do with Oil Prices.
Please, are you really so stupid as to believe that President Bush can control the price of oil? The President doesn't have that kind of authority.
The Monica thing came out after Clinton was being investigated for things like accepting monies from companies own by the Chinese Government and sexual harassment charges that stemmed from his time as Governor of Arkansas.
No use... there are no stains this time
Because in a free market, Bush doesn't set oil prices, they go by other economic factors, some of which Bush can control. For those that don't remember, oil price control always came back to hit us in the backside.
bill clinton lied to a Federal grand jury that is why he was impeached.oil prices are determined by supply and demand.PRESIDENT GORGE BUSH can not control supply and demand.(DUH)
Well cause Bill and Monica is more interesting than our stupid President and the oil prices.
Bill's personal life could have reflected on the way he handled domestic affairs. On the other hand, although I can't say Bush is doing too well, he is not much affecting oil prices. It's not gauging that's the main issue. It's a dwindling supply that really has to be dealt with before it's too late. I don't think Bush is trying to somehow profit from higher gas prices (those who are profiting are the countries of the Middle East).
Because Americans only care about SEX
yeah...cuz bill comitting perjury is exactly the same thing as high oil prices. You are obviously a member of MENSA for being able to connect those dots.
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