Wednesday, July 28, 2010

USA: oil prices may go down in 2008?

Yes, oil predict might go down next month to USD 80-100

With larger supplies, more energy alternatives, slowing economy and recession could be factors.USA: oil prices may go down in 2008?
were you get this from.

what about India, China growth rate.

you need to go over seas and see what china government are doing to secure more oil to their country.

even in small oil producers countries in Africa they invest billion of dollars.

Saudi Arabia can 't discover any large oil field since 1978 like AL josher field in east of Saudi Arabia--largest oil area in the world..

they have lost over 11 billion dollars and cancel a major agreement with British oil, and exon oil for more discovery.

the world are thirsty for oil and supply does not match the demand yet.USA: oil prices may go down in 2008?
maybe, but in the long run, i think they will get higher and higher. the more we use oil, the less of it there will be. Eventually, we will run out. We are running out now - it's becoming a rarer and rarer commodity.

i'm afraid its hopeless whenit comes to oil. what boggles my mind is why all the politicians insist on focusing on getting more oil, when at this point it really is a lost cause. We're going to have to look for alternative forms of energy sooner or later. might as well be sooner before we ACTUALLY run out!
David how could you say that?

This is not the 1970s. This time China and India are on board and they want a piece of the pie. We will never see $3/gallon gas anymore. In a couple of months, $4/ gallon gas will be considered cheap - if war breaks out, then forget all this and consider $6/gallon cheap.
It would appear we may have finally hit a top. However unforeseen events in the Middle East could derail any return to moderate prices. I suppose we'll see.
it will go down!!!

OK it will hit $200 first, then go down to $160 after we change our wasteful ways.

we still buy gas and oil at this price why would they change it?
Yeah I don't believe that for a second. I think we are just going to keep on being screwed over.

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