Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oil Prices going up who is really to blame You Tell me Then I will Tell you, But You go first be my Guest?

In order of the biggest to blame:

1. Geology.: There are no more easy places to suck up crude. It doesn't matter who rants - Oil production has peaked.

2. Bush, G.W.: Caused and is still causing instability in the Middle East. Thought the oil man would invade Iraq to control the rate of production of crude, and therefore the market price. That plan backfired badly. Incompetent and stupid are two words that come to mind, as well as evil and female genitalia.

3. Financial (Commodities exchange and currency): A little hard to blame them, since anyone with half a brain can tell from the rate crude is being pumped that oil production has peaked. The war and potential wars from Bush's legacy doesn't help matters either.

4. Rising Demand.: The old story about demand from the developing countries. Add 120 more countries to the list, including your own.

5. We, the consumer.: Americans can't get any crazier. At the height of all the gloomy forecasts about the effects on the environment, oil shortage, and natural disasters, what were America's best selling cars year after year? The SUV. Unbelievable.Oil Prices going up who is really to blame You Tell me Then I will Tell you, But You go first be my Guest?
the reason behind the oil prices going up is such a large combination of things you can't really pinpoint it to one particular ';who'; our foreign policy, opec officials, people who continue to pay for crazy amounts of gas keeping demands high, the fact that our entire infrastructure revolves around oil. there are so many variables that no individual can be singled out and blamed.

i second manbearpig having something to do with it though... hahaOil Prices going up who is really to blame You Tell me Then I will Tell you, But You go first be my Guest?
-35-40% decline in the value of the US dollar on the world market since 2002.

-demand has levelled off briefly, but the Saudis cut production by 1.4 million barrels in 2005 and the price has skyrocketed since.

-speculators are running up the price because they fear war with Iran will disrupt the flow of oil thru the Persian gulf.
If the US did not have to import oil we could simply opt out of the international market. Problem solved.

But we are--so the question is why?

%26gt;During the 1980s the Reagan administration removed a set of programs set up by the Ford and Carter administrations that were already moving us toward energy independence--as a direct result of the lobbying of the oil industry.

%26gt;Car companies continue to produce cars that get an average of 17 mpg--the same as 25 years ago. We could cut our gas consumption by a third without impacting safety or comfort inour cars. Guess who lobbied Congress--to the tune of millions of dollars--last year to block a bill to do just that? The oil companies, backed by the Republicans.

%26gt;The United States is the ONLY industrialized nation that does not have comprehensive urban mass transit. Most Americans MUST drive long distances as a result. We are the only consumers in an advanced nation who are denied a realistic choice between different modes of urban transportation. Which party---under the influence of oil lobbyists--has opposed expanded mass transit? The Republicans.

%26gt; If we had the oil it would do no good. Why? Because the oil has to be refined--and the oil companies have not built one single new refinery in over 15 years. In fact, they have bought out and closed many independent refineries (that is a violation of the antitrust laws, BTW--which Bush has refused to enforce).

OBAMA 2008
The oil companies and the oil well owners are to blame for the prices. Bush is to blame for eight wasted years with out any progress on different energy sources in the USA. His foreign policy or lack there of certainly doesn't help with the oil prices though.
The Federal Reserve.

Look at oil prices in terms of gold. It hasnt changed much in 20 years.鈥?/a>
Hi It is to me the consumers those who buy cars and refuse to ride public transportion,you need gas to drive and as long as you want to drive the prices will rise.........Blessings Yahoo
oil prices are driven by commodity traders in the stock market. right now because of the weak dollar investors are protecting their money by buying oil futures
It's MANBEARPIG. I'm being super cereal

plenty of crude just not enough facilities to refine it vs supply and demand.

Gas Gouging charging more prices for same product

(and OPEC, except Saudi Arabia isn't such an ****** of a country anymore)
oil production falling flat, the weakening of the american dollar, and increase in demand worldwide.
China is buying oil, supply and demand, not who's president
Bush and his so-called weapons of mass destruction.
Wall Street.. Camel Jockeys are to busy beating their women to come up with it.
Projectionists then supply vs. demand
The Bilderbergs!
the board of trade
i watch the news, i know
The euro dollar since it is worth more than the USD we now can afford less than what we used to

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