Seriously.That's how he's rich.His family is in the oil business in Texas.See the connection between gas prices shooting up (again) and him being in the oil business.Only one more year with this yahoo.
Go Barrack Obama!Is it coincidence George Bush's family is in the oil business and gas prices are high??
No.Is it coincidence George Bush's family is in the oil business and gas prices are high?? are an idiot
Nope.. no coincidence.. why do you think his '; gang'; worked so hard to get him elected. Even cheating when it was needed in little brothers state.
Which Bush is in the OIL business ?
Can you name him, what oil company ?
So you really think that G.W. Bush, is so powerful, that he can raise world oil prices, by himself ?
That he can force Canada, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Venezeula, Saudi, Nigeria to double the price of thier oil, just so he could make money, if he did indeed own a mythicial oil company.
It's not just the president! It's the vice president, the secretary of state, and 35 other top-level officials in the administration. Could that be just a coincidence?
There isn't really any shortage of oil in the world today. Before our invasion of Iraq, Iraq wasn't exporting any considerable quantity of oil, so not being able to get it out of there doesn't mean there's any less available than before. The price of oil has risen based on instability in the region. In other words, the idea that there -might- someday soon be a shortage makes the price go up -now-.
This is because the price of oil is not market-based. For all the Republicans say they believe in the free market, the 'magic of the market', they really believe in the world's oil supply being controlled by as few people as possible, so the price can be kept artificially high.
In fact there's a theory that this was the purpose of the -first- Gulf War--only to keep the oil of Iraq off the world market to maintain higher prices.
How can people be so dumb?
I don't know, seeing as how I am no expert on oil or the oil business. How many dems are heavily invested in oil? Bet you don't know. Seems that your question assumes an awful lot considering you give no sources or new information. The President, and his family are in the oil business, and surely to make money, what is your point, you feel the Bush's control the oil industry?
Um... I think it's a little bit more complicated than that.
Gas prices were high in the mid 70s, does that mean Carter was in the oil business? And looking at several Democrats they have big investments in energy companies, think there might be a link there? Consider that up to 50% of the price of fuel is taxes, which party likes to tax gas companies? give you a hint, its not Republicans.
no coincidence at all. funny that Dick Cheney's ex-company got the rights to drill oil in Iraq also. lots and lots of coincidences eh?
no its called WAR PROFITEERING
Bush doesnt control prices, opec does.
Ifyouwant lower prices tell the dems to let us drill in alaska.
We have 35 years worth in alaska.
no it isn't.
If you remember, gas prices went up during Clinton. Up almost a dollar..for no reason except some make believe oil shortage. Katrina and Rita came along and oil companies said shortage and prices went up again, and kept going up even when they got their refineries back online. It has nothing to do with Bush, or his daddy. The Haliburton thing....maybe. The Bush's own plenty of oil wells in Texas, but won't open them up because they know the oil will leave the country because of idiotic bureaucratic policies. We need to drill our own oil, tell the Saudi's to go shove it, and get rid of government restrictions on finding new power sources.
the two are not related.
sorry. you give Bush credit for having more power than he does.
This has got to be the MOST stupid question I have EVER read on this site, out of the thousands and thousands of questions!
Do you think there is a connection to Christmas Trees being for Sale in stores from November-December 24th??? Hum...Coincidence or maybe they have it planned to make money, hum.....????
No,it is incidental because what we are dealing with is a realignment of the nations,not simply oil-grabbing.We are nearing a Fascist New World Order and I pity anyone that is ';selected'; by the illuminati to sit in the oval office.How anyone could want a nowhere man like Obama or a Marxist like Hillary is beyond me.Ron Paul is the only patriotic choice.But fear not,he will never be allowed to be president.
Oh my god. Come on. Everbody blames Bush for the war and now here we go with he is getting rich and causing higher gas prices. Give me a break please.
Of course not. It also not coincidence that George W Bush got is in office and immediately set forth to finish the sh*t his father started.
The two are unrelated. OIl orices are high, because, prices are set by OPEC an organization comprised of member nations that dislike the USA. The falling value of the dollar is also partly to blame since oil is bougth and sold in dollars. A weaker dollar means smaller profits. Supply and demand is also a contributing factor.
I dislike the Bush family too, but they can'r be blamed for everything.
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