Friday, July 23, 2010

We suffer at the pump. and Congress' only answer is tax Big Oil: will this lower prices or produce more oil?

Your opinions please, and no lib diatribes or bloviating. And don't be a smarty-pants.We suffer at the pump. and Congress' only answer is tax Big Oil: will this lower prices or produce more oil?
No way!

This will only increase the price passed on to consumers, and will produce nothing for the folks!

Drill Here

Drill Now

Pay Less!We suffer at the pump. and Congress' only answer is tax Big Oil: will this lower prices or produce more oil?
In the long term, it may actually lower gas prices. Why? Because oil companies may become more interested in alternative energy as a result. Gas consumption is already down now, and if they think raising the price to cover a tax on their profits is going to maintain consumption, they are wrong. It will make people consume EVEN LESS. They will lose profits and be forced to look for an alternative energy, instead of trying to push for ANWR or offshore drilling.

Drilling will not lower prices, when the speculators and oil companies already know Americans will AT LEAST pay 3.50 a gallon.
Neither. Taxing the oil companies will only reduce exploration and development on their part. A windfall profit tax was instituted during Carter's term as president, and the price of gas increased, as did our dependance on foreign oil. Congress loves to put the blame on everyone except themselves. It has been the democrats who have blocked drilling and nuclear energy in this country for more than 2 decades. Regan wanted to drill in ANWR, but was denied and Bill Clinton vetoed a bill to allow drilling there. Most people believe we would be drilling into a pristine Alaskan counrtyside. ANWR consists of 19.6 million acres, and is divided into 3 areas, a wildlife refuge of 9+ acres, a wilderness area of 8+ million acres, and a coastal area of 1.5 million acres. In the coastal area, there are only 2000 acres that can be drilled on. Nevada senator Harry Reid now says that oil and coal are a health risk, and he also says that he will not allow the Yucca Mountain Repository for spent nuclear fuel rods to be opened, so that kills nuclear energy. Not only is world consumption rising, but we will need at least 30% more energy in the next 20 years to fuel our enconomy.Alternative energies are being developed by smaller companies, as well as the major oil companies. But these will take at least ten years to perfect, so we should start drilling now. We have more recoverable oil in this country than Saudi Arabia, and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas. There is a wind farm proposed off the coast of Cape Cod, but Ted Kennedy and John Kerry oppose it because it might spoil their view. A 500 megawatt wind farm on 20,000 acres in Montana was stopped by environmentalist who think it will disturb a nearby wilderness area. A solar energy project in southern California is being fought because of the 150 miles of high voltage lines needed to get the power to San Diego. So what do these fools want us to do? They just expect that we will do with less of everything. Do they not have the intelligence to project, because their policies will certainly not protect future generations, which is contrary to their own mantra.
Since the oil industry in the US is not a government controlled entity, what exactly do you want Congress to do? A Win Fall Profit Tax is one means that Congress can effect changes. How else does a government body attempt to afflict change on a private corporation? And why do the Dems get sole blame? Dems have a slight majority in the House and with the 3 Independents in Senate it is really a wash there.
It will actually raise the price. liberals think we are punishing the oil companies when in reality no company pays tax the consumer does. This is economics 101.

The Democrat Politicians know this. (Or at least I would hope they are not that stupid. No, they have to know. They are relying on the stupidity of their constituents to pretend they have done something to punish the evil oil companies.

Glad you asked
Were fighting one heck of a hard battle. World Price is

down nine today., which means nothing. Could go up

11.00 tomorow. We need 5 weeks of sustained drops

in per barrel prices. Even then the Oil at the high end

price sets up first. Unless we can dump the higher

priced stuff into reserves.

36 Hour a week Driving ban needs to go into place.

Per barrel prices would come down, to under 100

in 3 weeks. Down to 50 in 8 weeks. Then keep that

ban in place for 6 months. Would break the back of

OPEC and the Producers. Works for me.
Corporations aren't taxed. The taxes are passed onto the consumer. Carter imposed the WPT which failed to produce any measureable tax revenue, and Obama's windfall PROFITS (plural) tax will reach far beyond the oil companies. I don't see this as a solution.
It'll probably raise price because the business will just pass the cost on to us. Not a very wise decision to tax THAT big business...I still suggest cheaper alternatives. Focus more on that because, clearly, our reliance on oil is devastating.
Can't see how it will lower gas prices, since those taxes will passed on to the consumer in the form of even higher prices at the pump. No, it will not encourage any more oil production, it may even result in less production.
The one and only thing it will do for sure is raise the price we pay at the pump! Do they think these companies will just hand out money in the form of taxes from the goodness of their hearts? They are out to make a profit just like any other business is.
No, the price is determined by how much they can charge. Oil is the same price here as anywhere else in the world. The only way to make the price go down is too flood the market with more oil so it becomes less scarce and less costly.
its nothing more than passing the blame...! It was ineveitable with the war in Iraq (and soon to be Iran) that the prices would go up..! hindsight is 20/20 but its easier to ust pass the blame...!

Mind it doesnt help anyone or anything...!
,Well, I can't see how anyone can justify the fact that Big Oil is making record profits of an ANY company, EVER, and somehow their wares should not be regulated.
They should cap the profit margin to something reasonable (not just for oil, but for all the obscene profit margins in other industries, too).
Of course not if you tax them they well just redistribute it back to us and the libs won't lets us drill so we can't produce more oil

We can expect to just suffer more and more under Pelosi's Dems.
just ask congress , all want to blame bush . but all in all its congress
No, it will do neither and will in fact cause an increase in the price of gas..

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