Venezuela, and Iran are Teaming together to Raise Oil Prices So Why is Haliburton in Bed with these countries? Any Neo-cons have the Fox Report, Or Rush linguistical Anti-Communications reports?
Was up, was the scoop?Venezuela, and Iran are Teaming together to Raise Oil Prices So Why?
Good if our oil prices go up maybe Americans can get off their a$$es and start walking to work/stores , ride buses and STOP DEPENDING ON OIL. This will decrease the golbal warming too and people will be fit and healthy.Venezuela, and Iran are Teaming together to Raise Oil Prices So Why?
Sounds like Condi had better grease up the ole butt kissin lips,and try to make nice with these guys,while we're still allowed to consider buying any OIL from them
Thankfully Saudi Arabia is currently exerting downward pressure on oil prices, in an attempt to push Iran into defecit spending. I hope it works!!
They must not be doing a very good job. Oil prices have been going lower in the last few weeks.What does Rush,Fox or Haliburton have to do with it?
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