Friday, July 23, 2010

So what will be the Big Oil Companies excuse for jacking prices this time?

Will our Government step in and do something? or will the be allowed to gouge us again?So what will be the Big Oil Companies excuse for jacking prices this time?
Obviously the Public Education does not teach some of the simple facts on this.

Supply and Demand/OPEC/China, our own government.

Supply and Demand: If world market says oil is worth $100/barrel, the Exxon is not going to sell it for $25. China wants more oil now than ever before. OPEC can also have some degree of say because they can turn off a well and restrict supply which will increase the price.

We have not built a refinery in 30 years. Government/environmentalists do not want more refineries or allow us to drill for oil in our own country or off the shores. If they would allow this, then we would not need OPEC/middle east oil and then the price would come down.

Alternative Fuels are not ready yet because it is not economical. Cost to produce it, infrastructure to deliver it, the cost of the vehicle to use it. If given more time, they may become economical and then China could deal with all of the Middle East issues.So what will be the Big Oil Companies excuse for jacking prices this time?
They'll blame it on the weak dollar. The government won't step in until we get closer to the 2008 elections.
obviously to go for a second straight year of record profits!
George Bush's family is heavy into the oil industry .. didn't you know that ? .. That's why the price of oil went down just before the mid term elections . and are skyrocketing again now. Good Luck ! :)
The will side with Al Gore and claim global warming is causing higher prices.

In an effort to reduce C02 they are spiking prices to curtail consumption during the summer months.

They are always looking out for us.
Nancy Pelosi's use of a jet to get her to Syria and back when she could have flown commercial airlines.
what control do you think the government has over ';Big Oil';? Clinton couldn't tell them how much to charge and neither can Bush
my opinion: We won't see anything being done to dramatically lower the gas prices until Bush is out of office. And new technology is already underway for new fuels.

I like getting raped in the a** by the government, don't you? JK
The oil companies are estimating a $4 a gallon gas price by june!! they claim instability in Iran form the increase!! WTF??? It's just a way to be more profitable.. This is the 3rd most profitable year for oil companies!
it's almost summer. so they are gearing up for Summer demand spike. Bush's poll numbers are down, so why not. they got control of Iraqi oil, so why not...the sheep need the shearing.
Say you owned a bakery and one day the cost of flour goes up by 30% and the cost of electricity went up 30% too. Would you raise the price of your goods or would you keep them the same? If you did raise the price, could I say you were gouging me?
Its the government who owns the Oil companies. Most of them either own stock or are tied somehow to the oil companies so they get money for allowing it. They say they will look into it but they really dont.
Do what?

What can the Govt so, it is not their property. If they want to charge you 99.00 a gallon, guess what, they can.
Big Oil Companies can do what they want, they are not limited by the government, there is a difference

government really cannot do much accept make it worse. try an economics course ok?
Greed. Why would our government do anything to stop it when Bush makes big bucks off of it?
Not enough coverage of the Anna Nicole story in the news.

Plus they have to sell what is in the tank at the higher cost before they can to the cheap stuff. How come they never get to the cheap stuff, it just goes up?

Not to mention the cost is figured by the triangulation of the sun multiplied by number of jewel encrusted 747 parked outside subtracted by the slave labor cost ,$2, to run an oil rig in Africa then you add how many bribes you got from big officials and bam you got your gas price. $3.49 per gallon.
You need to talk to the Speculators on Wall Street my friend. The only pricing the government has control of is the taxes and if the Dem's get their way you will be paying more.
We've been getting bent over at the pump for 5 years now.

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