Yes. Conserve. This reduces demand thus reducing price. Check air pressure in your tires. Consolidate errands. Carpool. Tune up your car.Is there any way we as a nation can get the oil companies to lower gas prices?
the only way to reduce prices is to either reduce demand on a massive level or to find new alternatives of energy (including new supplies of oil).
gas is termed a fungible good - that is, there is no difference between gas from Exxon vs. gas from Mobil vs. gas from Uncle Slim's Quik-stop. Because of this, demand would have to drop across the board and in a sufficient quantity to allow supply to build up. Gas prices are directly tied to scarcity - make it less scarce and it will cost less. As a very simple example, let's say that there are only two companies that sell gas - Exxon and Mobil, both producing gas at 100% capacity. If everyone decides to stop buying gas at Exxon, prices won't decrease at Exxon in response. Instead, prices will increase at Mobil because there is more demand (and thus Mobil needs more gas than they can produce) PLUS Exxon will sell their sudden excess gas AT HIGHER PRICES to Mobil so Mobil can satisfy their demand. So selective boycotting will basically serve to raise prices (unlike what a certain Internet chain letter would have you believe).
Continuing that same example, it becomes obvious that the only way to get both companies to reduce prices is to cause them to suddenly have an excess of gas which they need to get rid of. It's the equivalent of an inventory sale at a shoe store that's trying to prepare for a new season. If both Exxon and Mobil have stockpiles of gas, they need to get rid of it because storage of anything is expensive. so if demand for their product is cut by 50%, stockpiles increase by 50% and storage costs increase by 50% so they have to reduce prices by some amount to get rid of their sudden supply.
that previous example shows just how dangerous paradigm changes are to existing companies. let's say that I create a new engine add-on that does not require gas to power the car. as I begin to sell this add-on, and as more and more people begin to use this add-on, the demand for gas starts dropping. as long as people are buying the add-on, the supply of gas goes up and up and up, and the price of gas drops to a point where it's economically unsustainable for the companies to continue to produce it. poof - there goes the US oil industry and all its jobs, both direct and indirect. I doubt very much that my add-on product manufacturing company is going to employ sufficient numbers of people to make up for that loss. now we have thousands of jobless people who don't have cars and can't buy gas or my add-on. it's a pretty vicious cycle.
Drive a Hybred.(sp)
No! They only go up.
yes stop using so much fuel, but that would mean that all these people would not be able to do all the so important things that they feel they can't get along in life without.
You know like run the kids to music lessons, then dance class, then ball practice, and it would also mean that mom would have to force little over spoiled Timmy and Jill to ride the school bus and not in the family Hummer.
it would mean replacing the family Hummer with something more fuel efficient and not something large enough for the family to live in, just to get back and forth from the market. It would mean that all these bored over indulged housewives would have to give up climbing into their SUV and driving to the gym to run on a treadmill, when hey cut out the middle man and just go out side and run around the neighborhood.
Face it people are to self indulgent to give anything up for themselves no matter who it help. Most think that the sacrifices should be made, just not by them.
SOmeone just sent me an e-mail to not buy gas at Exxon or Mobile since they are the biggest companies. It said if no one buys their gas, they will be forced to lower prices. Then everyone will go to them, instead of the little guys, and cause the little guys to lower theirs...Don't know how well this would work, but it could be worth a try.
well after you pump iraq dry and feed it through the pipeline that happens to run right through afghanistan (which you conveniently invaded beforehand to secure first) you will have to start on neighboring countries to bleed them dry and hopefully pay less till it starts drying up
quite simple really
Turn to nulear fuel and fuel prices will plumet
unfortunately, i don't think so. this mad man that runs our country doesn't seem to stand up for the american people. it's sad to have no control over the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, but it's reality.
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