Monday, July 26, 2010

Global warming, economic crisis, reducing oil reserve, rising gas prices: Is there any hope?

I'm depressed: I just saw a documentary on how crude oil is running out, and how global warming is happening way faster than expected. I then went to put gas that was about $3.80/ a gallon. And then are economy sucks on top of that. Is there any hope for us? the human race? the world?Global warming, economic crisis, reducing oil reserve, rising gas prices: Is there any hope?
The world is ALWAYS 'ending'.

When I was a teenager, AIDS was the 'great plague' that was going to wipe everyone out. The horrible 'wasting disease' that came from monkeys was spreading like wildfire and if you used the wrong toilet seat - that's it. Game over for you!

When I was a kid, nuclear bombs were going to destroy us all. No way to avoid it.

When my mother was a kid, the Cuban missile crisis was going to explode and everyone was going to die, at any time. They practiced 'drills' in the schools; line the kids up in the hallway and have them cover their heads. People sunk thousands into bomb shelters.

When my grandmother was a kid, the Great Depression was it. Everyone was going to starve. No work anywhere. We would all languish and die.

The stock market crash in 1929 had people jumping off the roofs of buildings. The world was OVER, I tell you.

Civil war, the negros are loose! Society is lost..

The great plague in England, thousands upon thousands dying horribly for no apparent reason. ';The end is nigh, bring out your dead';..

How do you think the Romans felt when Rome fell? Bet you any money they thought civilization was OVER.

Humans are spectacular because they adjust. We use our mighty brains to figure out a way to stop the flood BEFORE we ALL drown.

Usually, it takes a lot of death, illness, poverty, and destruction

before we change - but the ones that live on, live on.Global warming, economic crisis, reducing oil reserve, rising gas prices: Is there any hope?
That is so much BS. They like to use the term proven reserves will run out in 30 years or some such nonsense. As prices rise the reserves increase because it is defined as that which can be produced at market prices. They are finding new fields all the time. A huge find was made in the Dakotas and Brazil in the last few years. The find in the Dakotas was known about but it was much larger than expected, something like 10 times more than the rest of the US reserve combined. High prices will make alternatives more available and with luck some better system than burning food will emerge. Don't be so down, this is nothing compared to the crisis mentality of the 1970's.
Global warming, economic crisis, reducing oil reserve, rising gas prices: Is there any hope?

Well, when I was in college in the seventies, It was Global Cooling that was going to get us. We were in an ';economic crisis';--as we always seem to be if you're a democrat--republicans just ignore it and go to work. I was told by my esteemed geology professors that we'd be out of oil in the year 2000 and gas prices had just gone from 35 cents a gallon to $1.35.

I didn't listen to them.

I suggest you do the same and then 35 years from now you can tell the same story.
A compiled list of all the sources can be seen here. The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C -- a value large enough to wipe out most of the warming recorded over the past 100 years. All in one year's time. For all four sources, it's the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down.

We have more oil in Colorado and Utah than all OPEC countries combined. WOW you must have seen a movie the Democrats made. According to the 2005 Federal Energy Budget we have enough oil to supply the world for 500 years just in Colorado and Utah. Just do a little homework on oil shale. Oh about 2 trillion barrels. The world as used only 18% world known oil and thats without including the shale mentioned above. Jimmy Carter said in 1976 that we would be out of oil by the end of the next decade. (which would be 1989)
Yes, read the Bible and know that God is in control.

But while we do that we should / and know:

There is no oil shortage, any shortage is artificial. There are vast reserves in the US.

There is no such thing as man causing global warming, and I'm still not convinced about natural global warming.

The only hope meanwhile is to elect a President that has the guts to stand up to enemies and make honest and wise choices and judgements. Not based on what people want so much as what is moral and right, and what works. Let the free markets reign, don't punish people for starting businesses, develop technologies, and help the US become a manufacturing nation instead of millions of people with degrees who can't find work.
Yes there is hope if we all work together, don't drive as much and fuel up less often, don't buy things made of plastic, the less we use things that muck up the environment, and learn to conserve on fuel, electricity, and whatever, the more we will be doing good for this earth that has taken care of us for so long and we can save her.
Rickshaws. I've been saying it all along. It'd give millions of people jobs, decrease obesity, 100% clean fuel, and we all know it'd be hilarious to sit in a cart while some random skinny guy pulls you like he would a king.

It's no wonder China's economy is on the rise.
Our hope rests in the Bible. I'm not gonna get preachy, just check out, if you want to find out how this all plays a part. There is something there called the Rapture Index. Check it out. God bless.
NO. Just stay in the bubble! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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