Friday, July 30, 2010


Do you think oil prices will go back up - if so why and when will they go back up. Why did oil drop from $ 150 per barrel down to $35 per barrel in 5 months ?WILL OIL PRICES GO BACK UP ?
Will oil prices go up? They already are, up $2 today.

Do you really believe there is some tracking mechanism, some easy answer to why price fluctuates? If that were so, we would all be rich by trading the direction of oil price.

In all free markets, price is determined by supply and demand. Find what makes those fluctuate, and you've answered your question. Just don't limit your answer to anything less than a few hundred reasons.WILL OIL PRICES GO BACK UP ?
Yes prices will go back up. Even T Boone Pickins says we will see $100 oil again this year, 2009. But you should understand WHY the price went up in the first place. Then you can know if it will go up again.

There are really two reasons. And it is NOT as SIMPLE as SUPPLY and DEMAND theory from Econ 101 classes. If you think those are the only factors in play that control oil prices, then you are simple minded. There is a lot more including politics and ego besides greed and lunacy.

Facts first though.

In 2000 - 2002, the price of oil was very low and most oil field owners said that they would shut off their pumps if oil dropped below $12 a barrel because that was the cost to get it out of the ground. Even the big guys said they would suspend their drilling platforms in the deep waters if oil dropped below $15 for the same reasons. Then the 2003 gulf war started that threatened stability in the middle east oil region. Those politics caused a surge and spike in oil prices. At the same time the economy started growing again after the 2000 - 2001 stock market drop. Demand for oil increased gradually.,

By 2006, the economy was rolling along well and the housing market was booming with bad loans and a lot of equity purchases as people pulled equity money out of the banks and spent it like crazy, and then demand for oil started hitting the production wall. IRAQ still was not back to pre-war production levels and pipeline in Nigeria and even Saudi Arabia were being threatened. Global Oil production was almost Maxed out and could not push any more oil to the refineries. China was just starting to grow at 10%+ annually and gulping oil at huge rates. Supplies got real tight and prices were rising.

One company got smart and was buying LONG TERM oil futures contracts, Southwest Airlines. They got their fuel for cheaper than other airlines and posted gains while others started to post losses. Everyone and every industry saw the advantage that Southwest had by purchasing LONG term futures contracts and they all started to do the same. That is when oil prices really started to rise due to speculation and long-term purchases.

People heard about the huge profits every quarter by the major oil companies and suddenly everybody started buying oil futures and options, not just for use like airlines, busing and trucking companies, but also little investors and cities and other countries around the world and prices shot up to $150 a barrel almost.

Then the housing bubble exploded this last summer 2008 and that caused the financial melt down this fall and that made everybody stop speculating because they had no money to do it with anymore.

Supplies started building up as demand dropped off quickly. People had to sell their oil stock and oil futures contracts to pay off losses in the market. The small speculators needed money to just pay their home and normal bills and people stopped using ';extra'; income to invest which forced prices even further down as they sold off their positions.

Global economic recessions have reduced demand and even China has stopped it giant growth rate but is still needing more and more oil every year.

Finally, the price of oil started to make sense again as it past the $45 a barrel mark but it was still at a 100% markup at least. However, now the big majors had been investing in finding oil in the hardest to reach spaces because they thought oil at a $100 a barrel would justify the expense of finding $75 a barrel oil reserves. So now the average costs of $15 a barrel on land for most of their fields and the added costs of the $75 a barrel extreme finds in water average out to around $22 - $30 a barrel cost for oil.

Shew! Okay now add to all that to the undeniable fact that OPEC and specifically ARAMCO (Saudi Oil giant) has stated flat out that they will constantly do whatever it takes to make sure that ALTERNATIVE FUELS are not developed unless it is they that develop it. Yes this is a statement from the head of ARAMCO and the OPEC group for many years.

So every few years, they will allow prices to rise so much that a lot of money is funneled into alternative fuels by the billions. Once that money has been pushed out, they, ARAMCO and OPEC groups will make sure that it gets FLUSHED by letting prices drop way down again to the point where, the justification of alternative fuel investment and sales, that sell for $50 - $75 a barrel, are no longer supported or profitable.

The lower oil prices will be allowed to stay low for long enough that the investors lose everything because they cannot sell their alternatives to compete with lower priced oil. Once the investments and inventions are flushed and gone, ARAMCO and OPEC will play their games again to get as much profit as possible from oil for as long as possible.

There will be a point again in the near future (1 - 3 years) where oil demand will again push the edge of the productions capabilities of all
It depends on supply and demand. Right now, demand is very low but supply is high. In response to current demand being low, production is being cut back. If you think demand will go up, then you think prices will go up, because supply will be going down.
With the economic crisis, the demand for oil has dropped significantly. Oil will probably not be that high for a while, at least untl the economic situation is over and there is a higher demand for oil.
you betcha! oil company are cutting production because the demand has slowed down. This will steady the price of oil. Has the economy picks back up the price will rise with the demand.
Oil will go back up because of one VERY simple vs. demand. As to why the price went down...see supply vs. demand also.
I think it will. I really hope not though !
Yeah it will. We need alternative fuel methods. I'm thinking about a car that burns WOOD!

Oil prices rise, Oil company profits rise?

Everybody loses, but Big Oil.

Conclusion: It is always in Big Oil's interests for prices to rise, and they can cause these increases by 'not having enough refinery capacity'. And they own these refineries.

Isn't something very rotten here?Oil prices rise, Oil company profits rise?
Oil companies cry poverty but posted their biggest profits ever last year.Oil prices rise, Oil company profits rise?
Why are the same idiots that whine about taxes the same idiots that whine about the poor quality of their highways and schools? Report Abuse

Wrong. An 8% profit is crap-- for any business, especially when you look at the risks and the downturns that the oil industry continually experiences.

Government's taxation and take on every gallon is far in excess of oil company profits.
Hmmm, so maybe someone should build more refineries.

Whats stopping liberals from building refineries all over the US ?

Why would the oil company's do something that would hurt thier profits ?

Thats just silly to think of.

Would you take a pay cut, so the customers of what ever company you work for, could buy your products or services cheaper ?

I don't think so.

So why do you want the share holders of the oil companies to take a pay cut, just so you can have cheaper gasoline.
How about the Federal and State governments getting their fair share. Taxes are a lot more than the so call ';big'; oil profits. What does the government do with this money? They spend it on earmarks. At least ';Big'; oil uses their profits for research and development.

We do live in a capitalistic society. The only business that I know of that can work on a deficit is the federal government. I am glad ';Big'; oil is making money. We need to be looking not at profit, but at profit margin.
It took ya this LONG to realize it? Gheeez!!!
Lack of refinery capacity does not cause oil prices to rise - in fact, a sufficient global lack of refinery capcity would actually reduce the demand, and thus market price, of crude. What it can do is cause the price of gasoline to rise /even higher/ than the high price of oil would indicate, if demand is strong enough.

Oil producers benefit when the prices rise. Oil-exporting countries often have long-term exploration and development contracts with oil companies. When the price is higher than it was anticipated to be when such contracts were drawn up, the company reaps a windfall. Other oil-exporting countries pump thier own oil, and sell it on the open market, and they recieve the windfall, themselves.

Another big winner when the prices are high are countries that have harder to exploit oil resources. Canada, for instance, has large oil reserves, but they're difficult to actually extract: when prices are high, Canada has an oil industry, when they're low, it effectively doesn't (but no one accuses Canada of trying to fix oil prices).

Finally, alternative fuels and renewable energy sources get a huge boost from high oil prices. So environmentalists should also be perking up every time the price of a barrel goes up. The more expensive oil gets, the more nearly viable solar, EVs, biodiesel, and whatnot become. (But, again, no one accuses the environmentalists of conspiring to create unrest in the middle east).
it's EXACTLY... almost in every way... to what ENRON was doing...

perhaps the ONLY difference... Oil companies seem to have learned from ENRON and aren't pushing up prices to a point where the government would have to get involved...
Believe it or not, dispite record profits, they have a normal profit margin.

Which means they're spending more than ever to make more than ever.
The situation does suck! We need to elect a president who is not beholding to the oil companies for his job as Bush was. Hell, the oil companies and big Dick Cheney wrote the Bush energy policy behind closed doors.
examine history. in 1960 crude was $14-+ per barrel and gas was 19.9 cents at the pumps. they made money. today crude is $60 per barrel....gas at the pumps is $3.++. look at the ratio. a multiple of 4+ on the comparason which should mean that gas at the pumps is profitable. at $1.00 a gallon. haven't adjusted for col but i think gouging is evident.
No ****... Lobbyists from Exxon Mobil, BP, Chevron Texaco spend billions to lower gas taxes and to allowing gauging of prices to make it extremely profitable...
Actually Oil producers such as OPEC benefit the most from a rise in Oil prices. US Oil companies are not oil producers. They are brokers and consumers. They purchase their raw product on the open market then refine it for consumer and industrial use. A small portion is resold to other companies. Oil companies do however profit handily from the sale of petrochemicals such as gasoline. Note however that among all industries, the Oil industry has the lowest margins (approx 8%). When people talk of profits they are talking of volume not percentage. Obviously oil companies earn enormous profits on the overall volume of sales. But the margins they earn are rather low.
How come you people never mention all the profits the federal,state and local governments rake in?
American troop death tolls rise.

It's Bush's way.

The lies about refinery capacity are just propaganda to try to get the US taxpayer to underwrite oil companies in another way.

There are no less refineries than there were before Bush started his war.

It is the lack of production in war torn Iraq that raised prices and profits for Bush's buddies in the oil binness.
And yet the largest % in the ';pie'; of oil prices is not profit, but taxes.
And what is wrong with making a profit? Isn't the point of a business is to make a profit?

I am not concerned someone is making a profit. That is the point of a business. If people are willing to pay for a good no matter what it costs, why not make as much money as you can? If people really did not like gas prices, they would drive less and buy more fuel efficient cars. People must not care because I see clogged roads and huge SUVs and trucks being driven by people who have no real use for such vehicles.

Stop using oil and gas. I have.
What is rotten are the specualators on wall street who drive up prices. Ant the media who hype a hurricane and how it threatens oil, etc. There are a lot of players in this game, its not all big oil. Its also, dare I say, you and I who refuse to drive less. Refuse to commute with others. Refuse to downsize our vehicles.
yep you are right.the libs and the enviro idiots prevented any refinery from being built for 30 yrs.the permit process is about 5 yrs. state,county and etc. permits are the environmentalist fu*ck*ed it all up!the other point is the same as*sholes prevent us from drilling on our own territory for oil.we have more oil than the middle east.go figure! educate yourself and learn the truth,the libs are destroying this country!!!!!
  • refill
  • Do you think that oil prices can return to below 50 dollars?

    Why not. Just ask Bush to withdraw troops from Iraq.Restore peace .Stop intimidating Iran automatically oil prices will go down to touch below 50. Bush is responsible of all miseries world is facing.Do you think that oil prices can return to below 50 dollars?
    No,specialy with what the us is doing in the world ,and the threats to Iran.

    I think it will go higherDo you think that oil prices can return to below 50 dollars?
    I hope not. Sooner and later our country needs to take the lead on alternative fuels. Our greed for oil is a problem. As you should already know, as long as our country depends on other countries to supply us, there will be a problem. As far as blaming everything on George Bush, get real !! That is a old song that doesn't play with me. It is real easy to blame our president for all that is wrong in the world. If a person was to spend any energy to investigate, what is really different between now and the 70's oil price ? That is unless you think George Bush was in charge back then. Truth is, as long as we depend upon unstable governments to supply us with what we need, there will be price issues and shortages. we need to become dependent on our own country to supply all of our energy needs , then and only then will prices go down. To all you ';tree huggers'; yes, we need to do it in a way not to destroy the enviorment. E85 is part of the answer, so is solar, bio disel, nuclear, wind generation, etc etc.
    maybe..... probably not tho. suck huh?

    Could someone tell me why gas prices are so high but motor oil is on sale?

    You and I only go through about 4 qt of oil in 3 months. Think about how many gallon of gas we go through in that time?

    If we stop buying motor oil, they probably pay people to change oil just to get rid of their thicker oil from refinery by product.

    Good Luck (and keep asking).Could someone tell me why gas prices are so high but motor oil is on sale?
    the price of gas is supposedly the result of the refining process of oil, motor oil must cost less to refine.. any way that's what the oil barons want you to think.. in other words there is a ';shortage'; of gas due to refinery problems and expenses and there is no ';shortage '; of motor oil..go figure.Could someone tell me why gas prices are so high but motor oil is on sale?
    You want what is told to the masses via the media or the real truth?

    Media version... we are dealing w/ global warming and peak oil issues so in turn prices have gone up to off set supply and demand. Just in.... Exxon again broke all records for quartly profits, whats that Jan? And Mobile came in 3rd in profits.

    The real story. Oil companies are in control of this world and have created the story of global warming and peak oil. To create a false sense of a lack of oil. In turn, giving them the ability to raise and lower prices as they seem fit. And no longer controled by places such as the oil board or even congress.

    They are doing this for mass profits to fund a greater machine that is coming to power over the world. The New World Order.

    And all this global warming is part of their scam, again to charge a carbon tax to raise money for this same new power coming up. See.... if global warming was true, it would only be happening on earth, right?

    Well Mar's ice caps are melting faster than ours. One of Saturns' moons that was ice, is now a water moon. So I guess our Co2 floated off into space and got those planets as well. The truth about global warming is the fact that Nibiru aka Planet X aka now named Eris is on its way to us. This is what is coming in 2012 and will flip the earth.

    To hide this fact, they invented global warming and are blaming all the birth pains of earth on that. Bad weather, tsunamis, etc. It is also why Chemtrails are going on, to create a cloud base over mass population areas to hide the fact that soon we will have 2 suns in the sky. The 2nd one is Eris.

    This earth flip is documented in science, our rock layers and magnet levels, even in the bible and about every culture out there. Each cycle end or about 3600 yrs the earth flips and starts back over at almost new.

    (lightbulb should be coming on saying... ahhh now Noah's flood makes sense, earth flip)
    well its supply and demand. there is only a certain amount of fuel on the market and has been for a while. the u.s was the only big country really buying. now its china and india buying aswell with their booming economies. gas is a bi-product of oil. but motor oil is still being sold at the same rate. thats why its still cheap

    All Cdn pls..If oil prices are under $100.00 why are we being gorge at the fuel pumps..?

    We get very little from Texas, so that reason is out of the loopAll Cdn pls..If oil prices are under $100.00 why are we being gorge at the fuel pumps..?
    Collectively, Canadian provinces and territories raise about $7.8 billion per year from excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel. About 1/3 of the cost of gas.

    About 3X the taxes on US gas.

    All Cdn pls..If oil prices are under $100.00 why are we being gorge at the fuel pumps..?
    Crude Oil does not equal gasoline. With our refinery capacity crippled and shorthanded, higher gas prices are to be expected.
    The refineries on the South Texas coast handle about a quarter of all gasoline refined in the States. So with them shut down, supply is compromised and prices go up. Conversely, because they cannot take the oil that is available, the price of oil goes down due to lack of demand.

    Should the President ask the oil companies to produce more gasoline to bring the prices down?

    to stimulate the economy?

    right now oil prices are low but gasoline prices are going up because the oil companies are not producing as much as they used to鈥?/a>Should the President ask the oil companies to produce more gasoline to bring the prices down?
    what you have to do is give incentive for more production. The president cannot tell the oil companies to do anything as they are private institutions. What should be done is expansion on domestic drilling both terrestrial and off shore. Give tax incentives to the oil companies to increase the level of production, as well as tax breaks for expanding drilling operations. I would also try to get some economic trade deals in place with a couple opec countries to try and manipulate supply, all it takes is a couple of nations to help drive competition in what has traditionally been a cartel. The reason the companies aren't producing much right now is that the crude oil price has fallen due to current economic changes, and they are trying to keep the prices up to insure profitability, as long as we can get a couple large producers induced to produce more they will not be able to control price. Meanwhile I would be looking into the alternative energy sources while prices are good, don't wait for a panic. If we look ahead instead of being reactionary there wont be any problems. Keep buying hybrideShould the President ask the oil companies to produce more gasoline to bring the prices down?
    He could,

    But then his greedy Oil buddies, wouldn't make as much profit.

    Plus this is the time of year Oil Companies shut down refineries to do the yearly maintenance on them.

    If they stopped the maintenance, and restarted the refineries, the chances of having a serious problem with the refineries at a later date that would see them shut down for an extended period of time, would be great.
    We DID ask the oil companies to produce more oil when Bush removed the ban from offshore drilling.

    Obama and his sneaky followers put the ban back on for environmental reasons. I'd agree if there were valid reasons not to 'drill, baby, drill' but it's save to drill off shore when using today's technology.
    You really want to bring prices down? Have the President allow all the oil companies to drill everywhere they have found oil in our own country. Gas would cost you less than a dollar a gallon and the arabs would be broke. SOUNDS GOOD TO ME. Let them eat sand.
    With the trillions of dollars being given to wall street, the big three, who knows who else. You would think the least we would get is a new car of our choose, a years worth of free gas, and at least one share in the company of our choose!
    He should tell them, not ask. While his staff is writing up new laws prohibiting them and other company's to be free to charge whatever they want to. Who deregulated price control, sent our jobs to other countries, closed our military bases?
    i dont know hey where are you from. Kennewick Pasco or Richland

    Im from Pasco. i ask that cuz ur link sais tricities and this three cities i just mention are also call tricities so are yo from here. Washington
    Whoops remember he has to tread very lightly there or his base within the environmentalist will get PO'd. Aren't campaign promises a B---- when they conflict with whats good for the average citizen.
    No I think Obama should tell the econuts to go screw a knothole,and let the oil companies quit with all these stupid regulations.
    No, I think the President should stay out of the business of private industry. He has already done enough harm.
    Seeing they have nothing to do with it, it would be a waste of time. Peace

    Can someone explain to me WHY we're getting DICKED on gas prices while oil companies post record profits? WTF?

    Demand goes up, price goes up (I get that part).

    Demand goes down, price still goes up????Can someone explain to me WHY we're getting DICKED on gas prices while oil companies post record profits? WTF?
    Demand has gone down in the U.S. ONLY!! Not worldwide.

    The U.S. has been sending jobs and buying cheap goods from countries like China and India...this gives them disposable income to buy things like cars and gasoline. Think about how many people are in those two countries alone.

    As for the record profits, that is just greed. Period.

    On PBS, two energy experts said that in about 9 more years there won't be ANY more oil/gasoline. Period. Then the U.S. will be about in the same state as China and India...another podunk broke country.Can someone explain to me WHY we're getting DICKED on gas prices while oil companies post record profits? WTF?
    OPEC has been saying it won't increase its production of oil for months because they have oil sitting around in tankers that nobody's buying. As far as supply goes, there's more than enough oil on the market to completely cover the demand refineries need to produce gasoline. There's a surplus of oil on the market, and the stuff you learned in your high level economic classes says that the price of gasoline shouldn't be rising but dropping.

    The real problem is that the price of oil is determined by the cost of oil on the futures market. In other words, oil is a paper traded commodity. Barrels of oil are being bought by people who'll never see it from people who never had it in the first place. Instead of the laws of supply and demand setting the price of oil, you've got bookies on wall street manipulating the price to get rich. It's also completely opaque. There's no accountability as far as reporting real oil supplies. This causes FUD and causes the price to skyrocket. When the crowd on wall street sees a commodity skyrocket, they have to jump on it immediately and make a buck -- kind of like someone being hot on the craps table. This extra volume causes the price to go up even more. Something else that's making this even worse is that state pension funds are now allowed to play the futures market, and the retirement money for many people is being gambled on a game that's ultimately rigged.

    The reason oil can be manipulated this way is because unlike other futures markets, oil is specifically deregulated. This was legislation pushed through by Bush and his Enron Cronies. Several experts speculate that the true market price of a barrel of oil should be around $30, and not $130.

    The price of oil will have to collapse, eventually. I strongly suspect that the winners will be wall street insiders, and the losers will be the poor shmoes who'll loose their retirement money.
    demand doesn't go down is the problem. Even if everyone in America didn't get gas for one day (which is an impossibility). the only people really affected will be the store people selling the gas, not the oil company. They look at gas sells in weeks and months not days, and if no one bought gas tomorrow they'd just fill up today or the day after, thus equalizing sells for the oil companies. Until there is a great big change in the way new vehicles are made there won't be much of a decline in demand, then only after years with primarily electric/other car sells leading will the ';new'; cars seep into the poorer sections of America and thus decline demand.

    As far as why we are getting hosed on the price, it's because OPEC is not regulated under the monopolistic laws in the U.S. and thus they are allowed to charge whatever they want and there is noone to argue, (without government help), and why would our government argue. (President and Vice President were both big in oil prior to election, and I'm sure that while they may not ';get'; anything while in office, how many of their friends do you think benefit from the oil prices.)
    In reality the answer to this question is simply a perfect storm of problems. The Middle East (and more specifically OPEC) has realized that the rest of the world has become completely dependent on gasoline, which gives them a huge amount of power. Therefore they can increase the price of a barrel of oil to whatever they want and the modern world is forced to pay it in order to keep their economies going.

    In addition the oil companies have realized the same exact thing. What most people don't understand about companies is that they see their primary concern as making money, not providing a service. They are owned by stockholders and the stockholders want to earn as much money as possible (through the form of dividends and higher stock value). Therefore the oil companies feel a duty to make their stockholders as happy as possible.

    Couple this with the fact that environmentalist activism has completely hampered the United States' abilities to produce and refine its own oil and you have three major problems all contributing to the same result, skyrocketing oil prices.

    There are only three possible solutions to the current problem. The first is discontinuing the use of oil altogether. While this would be ideal (since we would no longer be dependent on OPEC and the oil companies) but it's rather unfeasible. We use oil for more than just gasoline; it is vital for creating any sort of plastic, many fuel-based liquids (such as kerosene), and running any sort of machinery. Even if we converted every car in America to biofuels such as ethanol, we would still need to get oil from some place.

    The second option would be government regulations on the price of gasoline. We place price caps on insulin for diabetics because pharmaceutical corporations have realized that diabetics cannot live without insulin. Therefore if given the chance between paying $5 million per injection of insulin or dying, many people would try to cough up the cash. Again, while this may seem ideal, it is unfeasible. If caps were placed on gasoline, oil companies would be much less motivated to produce gasoline at all. In the end we would have a situation such as what happened in the seventies during the Iranian revolution where there were extreme shortages.

    The third solution would simply be to drill more American oil and build more refineries. This would increase the amount of oil without having to pay the absurd charges that OPEC currently has us under. However, due to many environmentally-based restrictions placed on the nation, we are unable to do so. And even if these restrictions were lifted for a small area (such as off the coast of California) they would only be a drop in the bucket compared to how much oil we need. It would require almost completely unrestricted access to all oil reserves across the nation in order to make any significant impact.

    So in the end, it's really up to deciding whether we want to be environmentally friendly or whether we want to continue paying $5 a gallon for gas (because it will get there soon, guaranteed).
    People gotta stop listening to what the news always hear one side of the story..its not all Bush's fault..its a combination of the oil companies, our relationship with the middle east, environmentalists, and our democratic congress. Bush has asked congress multiple times for permission to drill on and off shores, but he was denied. There have also been various petitions presented to congress for permission to drill here in the states, and they too have been denied. Congress stands behind idiotic environmentalists that claim it will hurt our environment and kill fish in the ocean. We are on the verge of a major crisis, the stupid thing to do would be to not drill in our own country. Many of the democrats in congress have investments in green products, and hope to manipulate our economy forcing us into buying hybrid vehicles and the like so they can make big gains from our losses. Since when does america let our government tell us what we can and cant drive? If we drilled our own oil the wealthy dems in power would lose money big time as fuel and energy would drop. If anybody noticed, the whole place started sinking when the dems got into office. Thats a huge part of why we're in this rediculous situation.
    The UK USA comparison above is wrong.

    USA 0.88US$ per litre = to 0.44£ per litre

    UK 2.37US$ per litre = to 1.20£ per litre

    So UK pays $1.49 per litre more than USA!

    Go figure. So why is the oil price $136 per barrel.

    The answer is Bush - it could very well be a type of terrorist attack on the world and we are all too weak to fight it.

    The world is full of people going ';dam'; but nobody does anything. If we had balls we would stop driving for a month and see what happens next!
    WTF???????????I 'LL TELL YOU.


    anyway,mc cain wants to still keep the war going with the iraqui's and god forbid if obama gets elected in november we will be going to war with pakistan as he promised.


    I just watched CNN’s international Channel(3pm EST), breaking the news that oil price spikes again. But the anchor and the reporter assert it is China’s diesel demand contributed to the hike.

    Waited a sec ! It is already THIRD time I am hearing CNN’s assertion of China’s diesel demand. The first time was about two weeks ago. What’s going on?

    Then, Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill news flashing back-------Which Was Just Happened This Morning ! That “unmistakable signal” is surely an act to have a consequence of oil supply disruption ! Why is it not reported as a oil spiking cause ? !

    Time to scapegoat China again before a major offensive ? To verify, I went to CNN web site , there it is :

    China hikes fuel prices…

    China to raise energy prices…

    But nowhere saying that Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill will unstablize the oil supply region, causing the oil price up.

    For Israelis Iran Strike Drill see…
    I wish I COULD explain it. It seems that we should be able to up our prices on goods that we export, as well. You know, stick it right back to them--maybe reach some kind of middle ground. It is maddening!
    because the middle east has all the oil, AND we're dependent on them.

    we cannot live without oil, so they take advantage and higher up the gas prices.

    we need to go to alaska and drill some oil back at home!!
    Do you know how much it costs for fuel in the United Kingdom.

    1.05 pounds, that is about 1.75 doller US.

    Try that out!
    And all the American car companies are still pushing away the electric car. Honda has both electric and fuel cell cars, and they're the only ones making a profit.
    cause george w bush owns oil companies in texas and he wants to get all the money he can before he gets kicked outta the white house....
    i dont know but we are getting beat in the face pretty badly.
    Ask President Bush .....Mr oil man himself
    Well, they don't care about the demand, they're just greedy and want our money.
    Try Mr.Bush!

    God damn our economy is going to **** isnt it!
    No idea but it is really annoying. Perhaps ';W'; knows the answers?

    Factors that affect crude oil prices?

    1) Crude oil product supply (and all the factors that go into it like war, disruption, embargoes, oligopolies, regulations)

    2) Crude oil demand (and all the factors that go into that like weather, economy, changing consumer patterns)

    3) Liquidity

    4) Expectation theory

    5) US dollar policy (and the thing that affect that like US monetary and fiscal policy)

    6) Substitutes (eg, biodiesel, bioethanol)

    7) Fear/greed premium/discount
  • refill
  • Oil prices in the next few years...?

    what will happen to the price of oil in the next few years? Will the price go up or down? Will heating with electricity be better?Oil prices in the next few years...?
    they will return at least to as high as they were. they made it that high, and know that the market will bear at least 150. i think it will be a few years yet before we see it break 200 if ever. depends on how quickly alternative energies developOil prices in the next few years...?
    Through The Roof Prices! Switch over to wood. Get a way from 'modern' conveniences. Get out of the cities. What is coming is going to be Very Bad! And our governments know it.
    To quote the Fifth Dimension (sixties group)

    ';Up, up, and away....';
    How does anyone know that until it happens? All we can do is predict. I predict they will go up and down like a roller-coaster.
    up, down, up, up, up, down, up, down, up...

    Oil prices down, 37.00 a barrel, gas still around 2.00 a gallon... WHY???

    oil was 150.00 a barrel gas was 4.00 oil down over 100.00 gas should be 79 cents.!!!!!!!!!!!!Oil prices down, 37.00 a barrel, gas still around 2.00 a gallon... WHY???
    60 Minutes had a great piece Sunday night about the gas price gouging and it is the speculators that control the price of our gas right has nothing to do with supply and demand. We have been lied to again.Oil prices down, 37.00 a barrel, gas still around 2.00 a gallon... WHY???
    Refineries are in repair cycle at this point and some people are holding stocks of oil at the sub-$40 level on speculation that the correct base price for a barrel of light crude will climb in the next months. You should follow RBOB contract for a better indication of gasoline prices than the crude oil per barrel price.
    The government and the environmentallist want the price to remain high so watch for more taxes to be added on to keep the price up.
    Cost of refining, manufacturing gas from the oil.
    Israelis War on Gaza
    because petrol companys enjoy price gouging

    Oil prices rising? Chemistry project. Help?

    Could anyone please provide me a link where I can find a graph showing the rising prices of petroleum oil? Preferably global?

    Thanks.Oil prices rising? Chemistry project. Help?
    Try the link below. There are many sources of oil information, I used ';price of crude oil graph'; as my search criteria. Also, please realize there is no ';global'; price for oil, although you can see some averages. It depends on the type of oil (how easy it is to refine, how much sulfur, etc.) and where it is produced and /or where it is delivered to the market.

    Oil prices and Jed Clampett?

    With todays oil prices who much would Jed Clampett be worth today?Oil prices and Jed Clampett?
    Same as he was yesterday, he'd just have more money.Oil prices and Jed Clampett?
    prolly 100 times more than he had in the 60s.
    Enough to buy Granny a new still.
    Wow, I can't count that high. lol.

    Where to find free historic crude oil, wheat and other commodities end of month downloadable price data?

    I need to find free historical price data (starting around 1950 up to 2008) for common comodities: crude oil, wheat, orange juice etc. I don't care what format they're in as long as they are downladable. They can be end of month or monthly average. I've spent lots of time serching, but all I can find are sites which try to scam me out of my money for data which used to be available on the net for free not so long ago.

    It would be great if someone could help.Where to find free historic crude oil, wheat and other commodities end of month downloadable price data?鈥?/a>Where to find free historic crude oil, wheat and other commodities end of month downloadable price data?
    for historical pricing on metal and other recyclable commodities you can try the free site http://www.scrapmetalpricesandauctions.c鈥?/a>

    Why do oil prices fall?

    Because there is today less demand for expected supplies than was presumed yesterday.Why do oil prices fall?
    Several things cause oil prices to rise and fall.

    Supply and demand. Increased demand increases the price if supply does not increase at the same time.

    Reduced demand likewise reduces the price, unless supply is also reduced.

    Speculation and purchase of it as a commodity, like silver, gold, and currency. Oil is traded in the same way, and confidence can cause its price to go up and down. Confidence can be knocked by things like a war in an oil producing nation, causing prices to go up on fear of reduced supply.

    Oil producing nations manipulate supply, reducing output to maintain prices as high as possible of a benefit to themselves.

    They may increase supply at times when economic problems in countries they supply may lead to a reduced demand.Why do oil prices fall?
    Supply goes up through finding more reserves. Costs in finding or delivering oil is reduced. Stability (i.e. peace) in oil producing regions increases. Environmental or governmental bottlenecks are reduced. Oil speculation predicts falling prices. Refining estimates reset to the lower oil cost.

    You're going to hear a lot of wacky ideas on this. Just keep in mind, truth has a sound. We all know it when we hear or read it. It is the sound of dispassionate and logically laid out assertions. This sound on it's own is not proof of truth, but it is a good start.
    Oil prices are set by pure speculation on future oil prices.

    Speculation by its very nature is an endlessly repeating pyramid scheme.

    It is guaranteed to cause speculative bubbles and busts.
  • refill
  • What do you think about this article on oil production and gasoline prices?鈥?/a>What do you think about this article on oil production and gasoline prices?
    George Will is very smart.

    Charles Manson reputedly has an IQ of 121.

    clearly Will thinks we should extract and burn up all the oil we can, as soon as we can.

    remember, we already did that.

    prior to 1970, the US exported oil, dirt cheap.

    that's how we got where we are today.

    alternatively, we could save it until the price of oil is $500 a barrel or more.

    %26lt;%26lt;I'm getting to the point to where I think that anyone of those lobbying, rich, self-centered and egotistical speculators who predict a rise in oil prices is in co-hoots with the terrorists.%26gt;%26gt;

    i see. ';Either you're with us or you're a terrorist.';

    %26lt;%26lt;I say we cut their food supplies off.%26gt;%26gt;

    i'm not at all sure that they depend on American rice and corn.

    %26lt;%26lt;We can live without oil . . . and we have great Agricultural abilities.%26gt;%26gt;

    well, maybe if you live on a farm. that doesn't use tractors. or fertilizer. otherwise, you ain't gonna see much on the shelves of your local super market.What do you think about this article on oil production and gasoline prices?
    This article raises in my mind the question, at what point in time do we propose to do anything toward reducing consumption?

    The implicit answer is we want to leave that discussion to another day.

    I was appalled to receive a letter from Redford about ANWR, how important it was ecologically not to exploit this just yet. But not because of that reason. No, he mentioned in passing that the original objective of keeping it off limits to drilling was to force Oil companies to exploit all the rest of the world's oil first, and to be sure, this looked to him to be the right strategy.

    Just for your info, the oil companies dearly want to reduce those strategic stored reserves of oil.

    Just having them around tends to hold prices down. As they get down, we can expect rapid price escalation if anything interrupts supply.
    I'm getting to the point to where I think that anyone of those lobbying, rich, self-centered and egotistical speculators who predict a rise in oil prices is in co-hoots with the terrorists. I really do. They stand to make money on a rise in cost. What other logical and reasonable explanation can there be. For anyone to deny this, you must be investing in commodities like oil and gas as well. The world is on the verge of WW III and I believe OPEC has a master plan to destroy the American economy with oil prices. I say we cut their food supplies off. You can't grow rice and corn in the desert. Let's see how well they fair with no food. We can live without oil . . . and we have great Agricultural abilities.
    I think it is an overly wordy, hard to follow article that says basically nothing. It just rambles without ever making a clear point as far as I can tell.

    Oil prices...I just don't get it! ?

    With oil prices tubling to about 100.00, why aren't they ';tumbling'; at the pump? Why is it if oil increases, you see the increase the next day at the pump but if they decrease, you hardly notice? What in sam hell is going on here? Oil prices...I just don't get it! ?
    Talk about adding insult to injury, wait for the next quarterly profit reports in mid October. I predict they will be the highest ever! They are feeding on the decline in crude prices more than they ever did on the rise. Hey they yell drill, drill but the profits don't go there w/o tax breaks. The oilco's only buyback their shares after the top management people get their huge bonuses prior to their sudden retirement announcements. The last CEO who retired from an Oilco, went home silently with 400,000,000 $.

    We should all understand that this is the freebie moment between presidential elections where the outgoing oilmen,the President and the VP do zip!

    BTW the correct euphemism is ';What the Sam Hill is....';

    sam hill also Sam Hill 锟斤拷 (sm hl) KEY 锟?br>



    Used as an intensive: What in sam hill is going on?


    Ultimately alteration of hell ';Oil prices...I just don't get it! ?
    In reality, gas should fall as quickly as do the oil prices on the market. But in actuality, they do not. Why??? Because when the oil prices fall, companies begin to really make money. It all has to do with the speculators on the stock market. If someone farts in the Gulf of Mexico, the speculators buy into oil causing prices to go up. If this seems a little unnerving then you are right. In my own opinion, speculators are the reason for why oil prices are always so high, they are the reason why gasoline prices are so high, and they are the reason the market is so volatile right now.

    Thank you for asking this question
    You must be very young to ';not get it';

    We are being manipulated and have always been. This is nothing new and there is nothing that we can do about it.

    Money and power is what people are after.

    There is no where in the world that you can ignore the established Govt. and get away with it. Just try not paying taxes, or driving w/o a lisc, or a million other things that ';they'; order you to do. We are controlled by either big govt, or very rich people and there is no way around it..

    You can only do what you can and get by.. sorry but that is reality..
    Demolition of oil using jets and cars not happening plus switch to alt currency Civic one not there. Civic Mints.

    If not wag question.
    suppliers aren't going to just lower prices because they are getting a good deal on gas...if the demand for gas stays high than the prices aren't going to lower as much

    Oil prices effect on stock?

    Some questions:

    A. If oil prices go up what happens to the oil stock? Why does it go down if the demand is higher?

    B. How does oil prices effect the oil drilling industry?

    C. Any predications of Ethanol stock?

    Thank you very much!Oil prices effect on stock?
    oh it effect more than just stock in the ';oil'; market... it effects everthing. from stocks to futures. it is complex, if i were you i would go to the wall street journalOil prices effect on stock?
    When oil futures rise, oil stocks rise.

    When demand goes up prices rise not fall.

    Higher oil prices increase profits to be made in oil so more money is spent searching for oil.

    No predictions unless you are going to pay me.

    Hope this helps.
    i think the rise in oil price will drive hydrogen -as a cheap source of energy

    drove a honda fuel cell works

    who knows------maybe the rise in oil price make hydrgen research even faster....

    imagine 40 years ago, we have no japanese car.

    or fax machine so what do you think hydrogen car!!!!!!

    Oil Prices effect on Canada's economy?

    Will the drop in the price of oil help or hurt Canada's economy? Oil Prices effect on Canada's economy?

    As long as the price of oil is high, it brings lots of money into Canada. That's good for the Canadian economy.

    But as long as it brings in lots of money, people are not going to be looking elsewhere, but are going to try to get more of the revenue stream from the oil. This is bad for the economy in the long term.

    Canada's economy is unusually dependent on exporting primary sector products (oil and gas, minerals, timber, grain, etc.) rather than manufactured goods or services. In that sense, it almost has a third-world economy (though a first-world income).

    You see exactly the same tendency in other countries which have much oil and little else (such as Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc.).

    On the other hand, a widely diversified economy is much healthier, more resistant to economic shocks, more innovative; etc.

    It is interesting that countries such as Canada and Saudi Arabia always claim they are going to use the income to diversify, but they never do. And this is not the first ';rush'; Canada has had, so its failure to diversify in the past is clear.

    Do my fellow Americans understand that A Israel/America war on Iran will put there oil prices over 300 barrel?

    Talk about following the zionist to hell WOW!!! any thoughts on that?Do my fellow Americans understand that A Israel/America war on Iran will put there oil prices over 300 barrel?
    I promise you that if Iran had stated that it wanted to ';wipe America off the map'; like it said about Israel.... There would be a big hole in the desert where Iran was formally located.

    I personally feel that Israel has shown incredible patience with the situation.

    I wonder how Iran would feel if Israel had ';militia'; lobbing bombs at them every day.Do my fellow Americans understand that A Israel/America war on Iran will put there oil prices over 300 barrel?
    Most people obviously don't realize that it would more than double the existing price of gas and send our economy into a tailspin.

    We can ill afford another war in the middle east, but according to some, we should put the interests of Israel ahead of those in the US.


    I choose to put America first.
    actually its not ISRAEL America war on Iran is ISRAEL war, as usual they want to use our money our troops , our liefs to get to their goal, i am not worried about oil prices because of that, i am worried that war will be the beginning of serious war in area and Finally in world
    No Way ... America will do better.

    Bring it on ....

    America needs to attack Iran otherwise US dollar will be worthless within next 10 year and America will go bankrupt.

    America has no other option but attack Iran.
    i think the country is full of bad guys and there's really no stopping it. The only way to stop it is if more people believe it is real. but they don't since it's a conspiracy theory and fox news told them to forget about it.
    Yes but just maybe we will finally learn that we cant fight anyone on their home turf with rules, and use ';the Bomb'; once and for all and just show them we re tired of playing their game and its our turn to whoop some sand a.s
    Yes. $300 to $400 dollars a barrel oil will equal $9.78 to $14.40 for a gallon of gas. That is what a war with Iran will mean to the average American! Then they would understand!
    How much oil do we buy from Iran? Just how far are you willing to go to appease the Mullahs that run Iran. Are you willing to sacrifice 10 million Israelis?
    According to Iran's FM he does not believe there will be a war.
    Yes. Thats one of the many negative effects that will happen here in the states.
    You have no ideal what your talking about.
    Executives of Exxon and Shell likely appreciate this......

    If we rely so heavily on oil and want alternate fuels sources at an affordable price, why dont we drill the US

    Mr. Bush has finally approved drilling in Alaska, where are we on that? We have not made a new more efficient refinery in over 30 years, why dont we build or rebuild those? Its quite obvious that we have a severe problem that needs to be corrected now and can be corrected now with minimal environmental ';carbon footprints'; (stupid term). Everyone can say that the supply and demand is causing this hardship for Americans yet we rely on foreign oil? If we don鈥檛 want to use all our oil up, lets create a government backed program that does not include ';big oil'; in any of the decision making progress. 405 billion in revenue last year based on foreign oil, that is a lot of jobs and money to pump into OUR economy right? Not just the rich either. I may be way out of whack here with this post but I am fed up. If it costs too much for foreign oil then lets get it domestically!If we rely so heavily on oil and want alternate fuels sources at an affordable price, why dont we drill the US
    Mr. Bush needs Congress to agree. The gains in supply from ANWR would not stripped by price increases from rising demand for oil.

    It is more profitable to keep refineries as is than to rebuild a new plant or expand capacity. Even if no one cared about carbon footprint, no company wants to expand refinery capacity because utilization is already greater than 90%. To add more capacity would decrease utilization. To decrease utilization is to increase capacity that is unused.
  • refill
  • Oil Prices Rise And Fall?

    Every single day I look at Yahoo Business reports. One day oil is up, the next day oil is down. Is it all just a bunch of hokie pokie speculation?Oil Prices Rise And Fall?
    Partially, oil companies attempt to gauge demand, but long in advance you actually going to the pump. This requires that they maintain substantial inventories in excess of ordinary demand, just in case a lot of people want to drive or fly more than is usual. Any oil held in inventory is lost revenue, not only can you not sell this permanent reserve but it costs money to store as well. Because of this, oil companies want to hold the smallest possible inventory without risking their reputation by running out of gas at the pump or grounding airplanes.

    They are no better at predicting the future than you are, well not much better, they do have models of demand, but still they are modeling the future. Any disruption or potential disruption adds risk to their model, risk translates to price. Oil prices are highly elastic so small shifts in demand have large impacts on prices. In the short run, prices at the pump are determined by current speculation but in the long run it is determined by how much oil the population wants to use.

    On top of this speculation there are members of the general public who buy and sell oil contracts for the opportunity to make a profit beyond what they feel they could make in other markets. Over time, this speculation is bounded by the physical realities of petroleum delivery and petroleum demand.Oil Prices Rise And Fall?
    I think a lot of speculators are making a fortune at your expense.
    Yes. And due to the capitalist system you are wondering about, we have all the oil we need. Price is less important than having it available. Under a socialist government controlled system, we would have severe shortages or none available for regular people. Study up on the USSR and East Germany.
    Probably - welcome to capitalism. As long as the market (demand) will bear it, who's to say how high it may go? It won't be capped. Take cigarettes %26amp; liquor - often sold at ';lowest price in the state'; - there is a limit below which you cannot sell, but I've never seen a maximum beyond which you may not sell.
    Its disgusting how we are being screwed out of our hard earned money..You better believe all the oil companies are happy..

    Should public transport fares be raised following the rise in oil prices?

    No. Public transportation is not about turning a profit on its own.

    Public transportation leads to more people being able to work at decent jobs, which leads to better incomes for citizens, which leads to higher income tax receipts from those citizens, which leads to more money for the city they live in, which covers the costs lost by the public transportation system, and then some.

    Any leader who wants to turn a profit on their local public transport system is, without a doubt, an idiot.Should public transport fares be raised following the rise in oil prices?
    No. Because the government should be subsidizing the public transport in case of any monetary loss. The public transport is mostly used by low income people and students when every cent counts.Should public transport fares be raised following the rise in oil prices?
    Yes !!

    Otherwise the taxpayer gets the bill .
    I don't think so. I think you want to make it more costly for CAR users (increase their rates, install toll booths - or cameras at major points like they did in London) and thus incite them to use public transport, reduce car emissions and pollution, unclog city streets a bit and make urban centres more pleasant for everybody.

    What about the OIL prices?!?!?

    I am a registered republican for life, but this time around I am voting for the person who will make it their NUMBER ONE JOB to get these oil prices down, no matter which party. Can anyone reccolect any candidate that will?What about the OIL prices?!?!?
    oil is market driven. like corn or wheat. Good luck.What about the OIL prices?!?!?
    There is no magical way to quickly drop the price of oil.

    Right now the price is high because of declining supply and increasing demand.

    If the United States enacted policies to increase supply while also decreasing our consumption we would see a drop in the price of oil.

    That can be done but it will require political will and several years.

    Oil prices will go up because (a) GWB has effectively destablized the Middle East for the next 10 years, and (b) There is a big increase in demand from India and China.

    To stay competitive (and make Oil cheaper) we need to educate our young. This will help keep our economic growth going up. We also need to curtail government borrowing. We need to invest in alternative energy.

    Cheap oil is a thing of the past, but the Democrats seem a bit better able to address the future.

    McCain has talked up some of the same issue and probably wouldn't spend 8 years with his head in the sand. So he might do OK, provide he can get bipartisan support.
    Until the environmentalists let us drill for our own oil to supply our own needs, no one in the US will ever be able to control oil pricing.

    Why are gas prices still hanging around $3.60 nationally after oil has dropped by 40% over the last 2 months?

    38.8% to be exact.

    Asked this in other sections and no one had an answerWhy are gas prices still hanging around $3.60 nationally after oil has dropped by 40% over the last 2 months?
    Hurricane Ike...You're lucky it didn't go up for you...It climbed a little for usWhy are gas prices still hanging around $3.60 nationally after oil has dropped by 40% over the last 2 months?

    This week the excuse was hurricane Ike, which did minimal damage to the oil infrastructure in the region. I wonder what the excuse will be next week

    About a year ago oil was going for about $92 a barrel and regular unleaded was about $3.10.

    Be thankful you are paying $3.60. Here in northern Wisconsin we are paying about $4.10.

    The rules of supply and demand do not apply here. We can control the demand, but the big oil companies control the supply. With the prices going down the oil companies will start throttling back on the supply. They will pump less and refine less until the price goes back to where they want it. And they always have an excuse.

    We can save all the fuel we can, but it will never do any good.

    Our do nothing congress is not helping. Every few months they call the big rich oil executives in for questioning. They give a few lame answers and there is a lot of finger pointing, but nothing EVER happens.
    For many reasons...1) the price of oil per barrel does not dictate directly how fast the price of gasoline is... that has to do with refineries and how much /they/ are pumping out and releasing... 2) gas prices have never nor will ever go down as quickly as they go up... mostly in part because the gas stations (and the companies that they are owned by) need to sell of the higher priced gasoline before they can lower the price....

    Right now there is a lot of price gouging going on because of Ike causing the closer of many refineries along the Texas Coastline... many of which are still not operational (or fully operational) and aren't expected to be for a few more weeks...

    Also I doubt that gas will lower below $3.... because that might lead us to absolute economic ruin way worse than what we are seeing now... AND if gas DOES go below $3 then the hope of alternative energy would be doomed because people would be turning on their engines again to go 2 blocks to pick up a gallon of milk.... and we would then again be dependent on gasoline and oil and not looking for other ways of producing energy.
    I can only answer for Georgia and it's because of Hurricane Ike. We've got the highest average prices in the country.

    I used to believe that it was not the greed of the oil companies but I'm beginning to believe differently. Unfortunately most of our oil comes from foreign companies and Obama's windfall tax won't affect them.
    Bush %26amp; his oil buddies lining their pockets before he leaves office.

    Hurricane my azz...BEFORE the hurricanes hit, oil prices DROPPED greatly but we saw VERY LITTLE change at the pumps.

    The lowest it was here in SW Ohio was around $3.45 down from $4.00 at it's peak in July.
    What the hell are you alking about!?!? I live in western north carolina, and the price of gas has been over 3.80 a gallon for the last 2 years and right now (due to the 'hurricane damage in texas' it is 4.29 a gallon.
    Because Republicans run the oil/gas business in this country. It's the ';greed'; factor at work....again.
    Hurricane Ike. Simple.

    The oil platforms in the gulf are still down because of hurricane Ike. They won't be up for another 4-5 days.
    refineries are not producing like they should be.
    This can be answered in one word.




    What will be the out-come of oil prices in 2009 ? Will oil go back up to $100 + per barrel soon ? Why did oil go up to $150 per barrel last summer and now it has dropped to under $40 per barrel, what caused this huge rise then sudden drop in 5 months time ?$100 PER BARREL OIL PRICES AGAIN IN 2009 ?
    Deliberate manipulation of the oil supply. Falsifying data and figures to create an artificial shortage. Renting out oil supertankers and keeping them in international waters to keep the oil from hitting the market. How can they get away with it? They have the money, and money is power, and the powerful run this country.The politicians are bought and paid for. They will never put a stop to it.$100 PER BARREL OIL PRICES AGAIN IN 2009 ?
    I doubt it going back to $100 or over this year because of the economic turmoil. In 2008 the spectators pushed the price to around $150 level which was more or less artificial.
    The price went up as a result of speculators in the futures market trying to make money.
  • refill
  • Which is better to heat a home in the north east gas or oil and give prices?


    If Bush was responsible for rising oil prices, why isn't Obama?;鈥?/a>

    This question was asked last year and Bush was squarely blamed for rising oil prices. Why can't Obama supporter recognize that rising gasoline prices are President's Obama's fault?If Bush was responsible for rising oil prices, why isn't Obama?
    Because it is neither fault, Bush nor Obama's! Blame the people in the middle east we are buying it from and the oil companies here. The same old saying goes, the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer! Every time anyone turns around the oil companies are finding some reason or another to blame it on, even if it is contradicting what they had said previously!

    I think the reason ppl were blaming Bush because he has interest's in the oil business. So they figure Bush was wanting to make his retire mint on the oil before he was out of office. They don't believe Obama does. If he is like any other politician, he does too. And you see the word IF in the sentence before.If Bush was responsible for rising oil prices, why isn't Obama?
    You are right that Bush was blamed for rising gas prices. The problem is that no matter who the president is the price of gas cannot be blamed on the president. The price of gas involves two factors:

    1. Supply- Opec dictates how much oil will be produced. If they want

    higher gas prices they reduce production, if they want it

    lower they increase production.

    2. Demand- The demand from the consumer for gas relates directly

    to the price. When demand is lower prices are lower, when

    demand is higher prices are higher.

    This one we cannot blame on the president.
    Amazing how many on here have answered with ';Bush is an oil man';. What does that have to do with the current situation? Bush isn't in control anymore (wouldn't know that listening to the Dems, he is still being blamed for everything), how can he influence prices last year and this year? Time for the Libs to stop making excuses for Obama and start holding his feet to the fire like they did Bush. NO MORE EXCUSES ABOUT INHERITED PROBLEMS.
    There was this guy that used to work for my company that is a Michael Savage / Rush Limbaugh Neo-Con. I think that he is extremely cool because he expresses his views publicly in a Northern California town. Anyways, some chick was whining about how Bush jacked up the oil prices. He went into detail explaining how it was Bush's conspiracy to screw people over. It was quite comical. He then told her that it was based off of the market and set her straight. Simple economics.
    Obama responsible for rising gas prices? Gas was over $4.50 last summer under Bush. This summer it's about $2 dollars cheaper than last year. Part of the problem is, if you watch the news, is that investors are buying up petroleum stocks which drives the price of a barrel of oil up. Also refineries are hoarding oil. Please get your facts straight, so you don't sound like an idiot. Now, I'm not saying you're an idiot, just make sure you don't sound like one.
    They're not at the unreasonable prices they were last year. Prices will go up some as the economy recovers, since demand increases as more goods are being transported, much in the same way they crashed when the economy did. Also, it's the start of summer. Gas prices traditionally rise due to increased travel. Ask again when prices hit $4 per gallon.
    $150 oil will look like a bargain when ';He who must not be laughed at'; finishes up with his ruination of our economy. $150 oil was caused by speculation. The $300 a barrel that is coming was created by the reckless spending of ';He who must not be laughed at'; and a complicit Congress dominated by Democrats.
    The reason for rising oil prices is the greedy people who sell one controls unless obama can set up a law that states oil must be set a a price and not rise or fall around it...or if it was up to bush we'd all have a mass world war cos mr oil barron wont give us our oilly ball back!
    Because we don't want to hurt lord Obama's chances for reelection!

    People who think that it's the president's fault for high oil prices don't know how the market works.

    China is growing so fast that the demand for oil is up, therefore the prices go up as well. (oil companies)


    Oh, please believe, I AM looking at him sideways about these gas prices goin up again. If he doesn't get it together, I will be talkin junk about him, in regards to gas, the same way I did Bush.

    Fair question, honest answer.

    But on the flip side: U guys did insist that Bush had nothing to do with the gas prices. That being said, Obama doesn't either. so, i guess ur right. lol
    How dare you khafir compare 'our beloved Caliph' to Bush! How dare you, only you khafir would dare to belittle our beloved 'Messianic Leader' all you umma out there need to fall to your knees before our beloved 'mendacious leader'!
    You know better Democrats don't believe you can hold them to what they say or think you can apply the same rules they demand of everyone else?

    It calling being hypocrites and they are doing a great job of it.
    How dare you question the Great Wizard of Oz behind the curtain.

    But Bush was in the oil business and was very chummy with the Saudi's. Let's admit that. Even if we are Republicans.
    It is easier to lay the blame at the feet of others. You may also brainwash many to believe that you are in the right, when really it is all to the left of things.

    I don't remember blaming Bush for rising oil prices. Rising oil prices weren't Bush's fault, and they are not Obama's fault.
    Neither Bush nor Obama are responsible for oil prices dumbass.

    You are only stooping down to the other persons level of ignorance. Which means, you are no better than the person who asked that other question
    But most of the people who answered that question didn't blame Bush. Gasoline prices rise and fall. They generally rise during summer driving season.
    Oil is currently less than half the price it was when Bush was helping his oil industry friends profit from his presidency. Has gas reached $150 per barrel and $4.25 per gallon like it did during the Bush debacle?
    The God Obama is a vengeful god; he punishes us with higher fuel prices and higher unemployment.
    Because the Bush family has been in bed with the Saudi family that controls OPEC for 35 years and does have some influence.
    Because Obama isn't connected to Big Oil. Now run along you cognidisonservative
    Double standard. Obama is a liberal god.
    They weren't Bush's fault and they are not Obama's fault. Greedy traders are the reason.
    It's Bush's fault. Who started the oil? Bush or Obama? Bush. Deal with it.
    the media will NEVER allow you to believe ANYTHING is obama's fault.
    True. He was thrilled when he heard they were rising. That is great news to him. Peace
    our divine socialist savior, the lord protector obama can do no wrong. or have you not heard that?
    because bush started a war with our oil overlords.

    but more seriously, the only people who we can really blame are the capitalist ceo's who are recording record profit margins.
    Hm, I think there's a pretty big difference when the President was actually an oil barron than what we currently have now...DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    why does it matter obama is a better president

    Why the f are people saying oil prices need to be higher will that really help the economy or is this just.. ?

    another news media lie to strip americans wallets away fropm themWhy the f are people saying oil prices need to be higher will that really help the economy or is this just.. ?
    The interest rates are already quite low, and now also the gas prices. Inflation will become a problem. USA is already stuffed, high inflation will just kill it. Why the f are people saying oil prices need to be higher will that really help the economy or is this just.. ?
    May be big corporate farming is interested on it, they have huge investments on ethanol plants and a low price for oil is not good for them.
    i don't know but my heating fuel price hasn't even gone down so it damn well better not go up!!

    Is it coincidence George Bush's family is in the oil business and gas prices are high??

    Seriously.That's how he's rich.His family is in the oil business in Texas.See the connection between gas prices shooting up (again) and him being in the oil business.Only one more year with this yahoo.

    Go Barrack Obama!Is it coincidence George Bush's family is in the oil business and gas prices are high??
    No.Is it coincidence George Bush's family is in the oil business and gas prices are high?? are an idiot
    Nope.. no coincidence.. why do you think his '; gang'; worked so hard to get him elected. Even cheating when it was needed in little brothers state.
    Which Bush is in the OIL business ?

    Can you name him, what oil company ?

    So you really think that G.W. Bush, is so powerful, that he can raise world oil prices, by himself ?

    That he can force Canada, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Venezeula, Saudi, Nigeria to double the price of thier oil, just so he could make money, if he did indeed own a mythicial oil company.
    It's not just the president! It's the vice president, the secretary of state, and 35 other top-level officials in the administration. Could that be just a coincidence?

    There isn't really any shortage of oil in the world today. Before our invasion of Iraq, Iraq wasn't exporting any considerable quantity of oil, so not being able to get it out of there doesn't mean there's any less available than before. The price of oil has risen based on instability in the region. In other words, the idea that there -might- someday soon be a shortage makes the price go up -now-.

    This is because the price of oil is not market-based. For all the Republicans say they believe in the free market, the 'magic of the market', they really believe in the world's oil supply being controlled by as few people as possible, so the price can be kept artificially high.

    In fact there's a theory that this was the purpose of the -first- Gulf War--only to keep the oil of Iraq off the world market to maintain higher prices.

    How can people be so dumb?
    I don't know, seeing as how I am no expert on oil or the oil business. How many dems are heavily invested in oil? Bet you don't know. Seems that your question assumes an awful lot considering you give no sources or new information. The President, and his family are in the oil business, and surely to make money, what is your point, you feel the Bush's control the oil industry?
    Um... I think it's a little bit more complicated than that.
    Gas prices were high in the mid 70s, does that mean Carter was in the oil business? And looking at several Democrats they have big investments in energy companies, think there might be a link there? Consider that up to 50% of the price of fuel is taxes, which party likes to tax gas companies? give you a hint, its not Republicans.
    no coincidence at all. funny that Dick Cheney's ex-company got the rights to drill oil in Iraq also. lots and lots of coincidences eh?

    no its called WAR PROFITEERING

    Bush doesnt control prices, opec does.

    Ifyouwant lower prices tell the dems to let us drill in alaska.

    We have 35 years worth in alaska.
    no it isn't.
    If you remember, gas prices went up during Clinton. Up almost a dollar..for no reason except some make believe oil shortage. Katrina and Rita came along and oil companies said shortage and prices went up again, and kept going up even when they got their refineries back online. It has nothing to do with Bush, or his daddy. The Haliburton thing....maybe. The Bush's own plenty of oil wells in Texas, but won't open them up because they know the oil will leave the country because of idiotic bureaucratic policies. We need to drill our own oil, tell the Saudi's to go shove it, and get rid of government restrictions on finding new power sources.
    the two are not related.

    sorry. you give Bush credit for having more power than he does.
    This has got to be the MOST stupid question I have EVER read on this site, out of the thousands and thousands of questions!

    Do you think there is a connection to Christmas Trees being for Sale in stores from November-December 24th??? Hum...Coincidence or maybe they have it planned to make money, hum.....????
    No,it is incidental because what we are dealing with is a realignment of the nations,not simply oil-grabbing.We are nearing a Fascist New World Order and I pity anyone that is ';selected'; by the illuminati to sit in the oval office.How anyone could want a nowhere man like Obama or a Marxist like Hillary is beyond me.Ron Paul is the only patriotic choice.But fear not,he will never be allowed to be president.
    Oh my god. Come on. Everbody blames Bush for the war and now here we go with he is getting rich and causing higher gas prices. Give me a break please.
    Of course not. It also not coincidence that George W Bush got is in office and immediately set forth to finish the sh*t his father started.
    The two are unrelated. OIl orices are high, because, prices are set by OPEC an organization comprised of member nations that dislike the USA. The falling value of the dollar is also partly to blame since oil is bougth and sold in dollars. A weaker dollar means smaller profits. Supply and demand is also a contributing factor.

    I dislike the Bush family too, but they can'r be blamed for everything.

    Why do oil prices rise?

    Help me get a good grade , im 15 , In sicence NOW , kthxbie

    ^_^Why do oil prices rise?
    well after my cat discoverd an oil well the goverment came to my house took away my house it was really upsetingWhy do oil prices rise?
    The price of oil is tied to the US Dollar and the Dollar is weaker now, so it takes more of them to buy a barrel.
    Not one single reasons. Most reasons above are right. But you have to separate roots causes to immediate causes

    I think there are 3 main immediate causes :

    1/ Emerging economies like China, India are demanding more oil and gas and the supply vs demand is stressing the prices.

    2/ The oil is paid in dollar, dollar is weak. So for 1 barrel now people get 30% less value for it than 5 years ago.

    3/ In addition to these issues, there are triggering events that raises periodically the price of the barrel : south america crisis between Colombia and Venezuela, small scale guerilla in Nigeria, war in Iraq, trouble with Iran etc...

    The root cause of all this problems is simple : oil is a limited resources, located very inequally in the world. Its production will start to decline in 5-20 years.

    About the greedinesss of oil companies, just make a comparison : you are paying probably around 1$ per barrel your tap water : it has been pumped at less than 200 m depth, probably less than 10 km from your house and the treatment is minimum compared to crude oil. The crude oil coming to USA has travelled usually between 3000 to 7000 km, has been pumped 1500 to 3500 m deep in the ground in remote and dangerous locations. It has been heavily treated even before refining, gas, water and sand are removed, it is blended usually and some chemicals can be added sometimes. This plus the above constraints are justifying a price which should settle to my humble opinion to a right value of oil. I guess 150 $ should be a right value for this rare resource.
    Because speculators are pushing up the price per barrel....of course the facts that the demand is growing and the dollar is weak also play a role, but the supply is growing so the price shouldn't be going up right now......Just lay it at the feet of greedy capitalists!
    Supply and demand. As demand goes up and supply goes down, price goes up.

    Oil is a speculative grain, stocks, or pork bellies (really!). Investors are betting that the price will go up in the future and are driving the price up.

    Emotion...people get scared and raise the price of gas long before the market pressures of the price pre barrel hit the gas pump. They are scared about getting enough, making a profit with their gas station, etc.
    its the simple rule of supply and demand. when the demand of oil increase and it's supply isn't able to keep up with the demand oil becomes more expensive, otherwise the people selling the oil wont be able to make a profit. there haven't been any discovery of super giant fields and the amount of oil being discovered cant keep up with the accelerated demand for oil, which is increasing because of rising economic powerhouses like India, China and Brazil buying more and more oil to fuel their expanding economies(the major importers in the past were America and Europe), so oil is getting more and more expensive.
    because the cost per barrel for the gas companies keeps going up. and the more it is in demand, the higher its going to get.
    High demand and low supply?
    well the reason for the high price rise of oil is because it is a fuel source that will run out in around 25 years and it will take another million years for the earth to produce more.

    put this in detail and add some rubbish facts from the Internet and a* guarantee i am 16 and it worked last year ( ;
    ok, the oil is controlled by greedy men in the middle east, when they want more money for their oil they actually cut production, that causes a shortage and the price goes up. Also any natural disasters that effect oil production can have the same effect/
    Oil is a resource. We put value on resources and that exposes us to greed and manipulation. Those interested in oil are very organized and they have the attention of many decision-makers. This results in control over prices at the consumer level, and consumers are not intelligent enough to control or stop purchasing the oil products that they consider to be vital to their existence. Consumers of oil products remain vulnerable to the whims of the oil controllers, who eventually determine their profits by knowing their production costs and setting prices for consumers.

    Empires built on oil are not collapsing so they must be good at what they do.

    Will Oil prices rise again Monday morning because Iran is threatening to cut off the Persian Gulf for oil?

    if they are attacked by Israel or the USAWill Oil prices rise again Monday morning because Iran is threatening to cut off the Persian Gulf for oil?
    Oil prices will rise because I sneezed this morning.Will Oil prices rise again Monday morning because Iran is threatening to cut off the Persian Gulf for oil?
    Yes, and the value of a green painted paper will plummet.

    Not only this, millons of Americans will join those facing foreclosure.Inflation will destroy their incomes.

    Another sign of the agony of Capitalism.
    Will natural gas prices go up because the Bush Administration just banned solar development and put a halt to plans to construct facilities that would generate 70 billion watts of solar energy?
    Rising tensions in the Persian Gulf will cause oil futures markets to rise around the world. It doesn't matter how much Pelosi stamps her foot about it.
    Oil prices will rise because i woke up at 8:30 this morning.
    Oil speculators will make BILLIONS on it!!!

    They tried to shut off the Gulf before and lost half their Navy in an afternoon.
    It may but i doubt Iran will inflict that much damage.
    They always go up on Monday.. I think they would go up if a moth flapped his wings in China.
    I doubt an attack in imminent.
  • refill
  • I need to find a site or store that sales natural ess and frangrance oil! but at low prices?

    im trying to make a bath and body company with natural soap, bath bombs and salt, but everything i have found so far is really expensif, like 10$ for one soap mold is crazy! . I need help on this!!!!! and does anyone have an idea for a natural bath and body company name? thanks for reading this!!! take care!I need to find a site or store that sales natural ess and frangrance oil! but at low prices?

    I would first suggest you take classes in Aromatherapy %26amp; learn about the oils first.

    You'll also need to know what types of insurance you'll be needing to start your own company.

    You need to KNOW what each and every EO you're using can do to a persons skin. You'll need to know what's dangerous and what isn't (just because its natural does not make it safe - arsinic is natural!!).

    Basically, for soap molds, you're looking at $5 to $10 (or more) for multi cavity molds.

    I need to find a site or store that sales natural ess and frangrance oil! but at low prices?

    im trying to make a bath and body company with natural soap, bath bombs and salt, but everything i have found so far is really expensif, like 10$ for one soap mold is crazy! . I need help on this!!!!! and does anyone have an idea for a natural bath and body company name? thanks for reading this!!! take care!I need to find a site or store that sales natural ess and frangrance oil! but at low prices?

    I would first suggest you take classes in Aromatherapy %26amp; learn about the oils first.

    You'll also need to know what types of insurance you'll be needing to start your own company.

    You need to KNOW what each and every EO you're using can do to a persons skin. You'll need to know what's dangerous and what isn't (just because its natural does not make it safe - arsinic is natural!!).

    Basically, for soap molds, you're looking at $5 to $10 (or more) for multi cavity molds.

    If oil companies aren't to blame, then why are gas prices so high?

    It can't all just be supply and demand, even though i know that's part of it. The major oil companies made billions and billions last year and topped the Fortune 500 list. There is no possible way they can say they have nothing to do with soaring prices when they made so much in 2007.

    Thoughts?If oil companies aren't to blame, then why are gas prices so high?
    In addition to record revenues, oil companies have also spent record amounts on searching for new sources for oil and for new ways to extract and process crude.

    One of the biggest issues with regards to oil prices is that there is a much higher global demand for it. India and China have become extremely dependent on oil and as two of the most largely populated nations on the globe, this has put a big dent in the oil market.

    Another huge issue is due to decreased oil refinery output in America. The simple fact is that the US has not constructed a new oil refinery in over 20 years and the ones in place are not enough to keep up with demand. These old refineries commonly break down or must be shut down for repair. It's not that the oil companies haven't tried to build new ones; the environmentalists have successfully defeated every attempt to build them.

    Also, we are sitting on two of the largest untapped oil reserves on the globe right here in the US. One is in ANWR in Alaska and the other is in the Gulf of Mexico, which is so vast that the sonar used to measure its size is unable to see the bottom of the dome. So I say let's drill it and stop buying so much foreign oil! Oh... wait... the environmentalists have successfully fought that too.If oil companies aren't to blame, then why are gas prices so high?
    - Well, oil companies are ones to blame but only partially (because of their oligopoly's position). Second in row are speculations. Then comes resellers, and then Increase in demand. Gas have the same story.. producers, speculations, resellers, and demand due to substitution effect with oil.

    - One more thing should be mentioned, it's value of dollar, not prices are rising but dollar is loosing it's value - so relative to other currencies gas and oil prices remain more stable than relative to dollar.
    Oil companies don't dictate the price of oil. They do benefit when prices rise. but they don't dictate the price. Unless some oil company as taken over Saudi Arab or Nigeria...

    Supply and Demand dictates price. Speculation can also dictate the price, but only for a short period of time. But remember this, the world is moving from poverty to affluence. As a result more and more people demand the same limited supplies of oil. And the highest bidder is the one who gets the oil.
    speculators buy and sell futures in a lot of commodies. crude oil is one of them. their speculation drives up oil prices. the same is happening with grains... look at the news rice and corn prices have hit an all time high.

    curde producers a getting a high price due to world wide demand, as the fuel goes up the cost of shipping goes up . it goes on and on like a wild fire feeding on a super dry forest.
    Because we are willing to pay. Find other choices and reduce driving. Kill the demand. Let's all decide no body will buy gas for one week. If you have no choice just take time off for week.
    Well maybe it is just a economical shceme to get people to think more about how they use gasoline. Or it could be what it has always been ';inflation';.

    Will the Gov. recognize that oil prices are driven by speculators?

    Since demand for gasoline is the same and the supply is still the same, yet crude prices have fallen about $20 per barrel this past week, doesn't it seem logical that we recognize that speculation by the unregulated Hedge Funds and Big Investment Banks are driving prices ??? Is anyone in Government smart enough to draw that conclusion ?? Will someone take a look at the ';ENRON LOOPHOLE'; and the ';DARK MARKET';????Will the Gov. recognize that oil prices are driven by speculators?
    That is what a lot of independents are saying. I personally believe it. Ben Stein and Glenn Beck have been saying that very thing for a while now.

    To me, it all seems very artificial. If the price is not being driven by demand then it may as well be called gouging.Will the Gov. recognize that oil prices are driven by speculators?
    Not to mention that US refineries are full of oil and there is a glut of gasoline on the market due to declining demand in the US.

    The price was bound to break sooner or later. Americans are severely cutting back on consumption.
    what happened to big oil was it not there fault until the speculators came into the picture.

    it's misleading just another way to take your mind off of who is really to blame the Govt
    They already know this. The speculators are their friends. The entire Bush family comes from oil. That's the reason he isn't looking into it.
    Im sure both parties have set a ';timeline'; for their contributors to get rich and then get out of the oil futures market.
    yet gas is $4.25 a gallong stations are putting up prices signs that are digital and can be changed by pushing a button
    big business, with big confussion
    That's just speculation.
    if republicans stay in then no.
    The govt are the biggest oil merchants so what do you really expect?

    When we attack Iran, will oil prices surge?

    Yes, cuz not only irans oil and petrolium units destroyrd but also Middle eastern countries can not export oil as Iran may attack their fields and ships!

    But I dont know how much blood per every oil Galon world should pay!When we attack Iran, will oil prices surge?
    americans will burn in oil if that happens. if iran is smart they will blow up sauidi arabias oilWhen we attack Iran, will oil prices surge?
    That's the purpose for US to attack Middle Eastern countries. Of course it will. Oh wait, you didn't actually think it was because of WMD's did you?
    We wont attack Iran. Isarel will.
    no because when we invade iran it means we will be getting the oil for free instead of buying it off them, so in theory it should go down in price.......
    I would say yes, because they will probably destroy their own oil fields to destabilize the market (like Saddam did in Kuwait) and it will take a long time to rebuild them... and that's a lot of oil...

    Obama in the Middle East, oil prices falling. Coincidence or not?

    Oil prices started falling before Obama went on his extended photo-op.

    The price of crude started dropping the day (or the day after) GWB rescinded the executive ban on offshore drilling.Obama in the Middle East, oil prices falling. Coincidence or not?
    O.K lets check, Hammas has endorsed him, his wife has said and projects a negative view of America, lack of any leadership or track record on keeping his word, pork barrel projects for his own constituency in the tens of millions!!,.

    A nd lets not forget unless you are too young that there is No gas shortage as in the seventies driving the gas prices, just greedy commodities traders without an ounce of patriotism. Osama Obama doesn't have a thing to do with oil prices, you people are so blind, if it wasn't for his color 75% of you wouldn't vote for him. My advice to McCain is get a wipe on tan and go bowling....badddly.Obama in the Middle East, oil prices falling. Coincidence or not?
    BobB is right. Check the facts. We have sufficient untapped resources to effect world oil prices. The threat that we might start using them caused prices to start down. Let's hope we get to see what happens when drilling actually starts taking place.
    It's not Obama, it's Bush trying to get his legacy out of the basement. His approval rating might rebound if gasoline is $2.50/gal. He realizes that History is going to remember him a long time.
    Bush announced that America would drill for it's own oil. That drove the prices down. If congress agreed with him, prices would drop like a rock. Don't hold your breath. The obstructionist democrats own the congress.
    Well, if the Middle East thinks they can influence me to vote for Obama, it won't work. It is a plan, a trick.
  • refill
  • Is Chavez afraid of higher oil prices? It makes sense if you realize?

    that oil at $200 a barrel makes ethanol and probably hydrogen a much easier choice for the world to get into.鈥?/a>Is Chavez afraid of higher oil prices? It makes sense if you realize?
    I would concur about oil dependancy not going away even at such a high price. However, $200 per barrel would effectively push a lot of 3rd world consumers out of the market. The economies of China and India especially would take a serious hit. (Chavez has stated before his intentions to forge closer ties with the PRC.)

    With basically the US, Japan and Western Europe being the only viable customers, Chavez would have to be more conciliatory to DC and ease up on his socialist revolutionary ambitions at home. I think that is his main concern.Is Chavez afraid of higher oil prices? It makes sense if you realize?
    even if every car in the U.S. sold from now on starting immediately, we still have millions of gas guzzling pollution spewing cars on the street needing gas from the oil company thieves.......and there will always be demand for oil in developing third world for him to fear higher prices is not likely, the higher prices only make his production of oil more profitable... his largest fear is for oil prices to drop too low to be economically viable to continue production.....since the oil production in his country is one of the more expensive methods to produce
    Excellent point!

    I had not though of that.

    But still, the western world is not ready to just jump all at once into ethanol or hydrogen. $200 Oil would undoubtedly lead to a current recession. But for the long run, it might be better to be pushed into more alternative fuels.

    We be just as well to invade Venezuela, bomb Iran, execute Chavez, feed Ahmadinejad to Israel, show our middle fingers to the rest of the world, and steal all the oil we want.

    I know that is not very diplomatic or morally correct, but war doesn't prove who's right, war proves who's left.

    Besides, what are they gonna do?

    (I hope you know there are elements of sarcasm in this answer)
    That little man is too stupid to be afraid of anything!

    he is saying that, he thinks the US wont acutally atack iran since this country is dependable on imported oil...

    and that would just help produce other types of fuel if that does happen
    I dont think he loses sleep over it. Oil dependency isn't going away overnight. If he is really smart, he'll build up his country's infrastructure and manufacturing with the profits he's making now from oil and elevate Venezuela into a powerful country.